Notes about MCM's we tested

  • Grade = A means no problems were found
  • Grade = B means some problems were found, but we will accept the MCM
  • Grade = C means one block of 32 channels does not work
  • Grade = D means two blocks of 32 channels do not work
  • Grade = F means more than two blocks of 32 channels do not work or else the MCM does not work at all


    We accept grades A and B.


    Overall summary of tested MCMs, all lots combined:

  • total grade A's = 18
  • total grade B's = 6
  • total grade C's = 5
  • total grade D's = 5
  • total grade F's = 23
  • total in Los Alamos, but not tested = 0


    fraction accepted, all lots combined = 24/57 = 0.42+-.06

    The summaries which follow are broken up according to the "lots" in which we receive MCMs.

    Evaluation lot MCM's:
    MCM serial number  assembly number  date tested  accept 
    or reject? 
    grade  notes
    101  MCM-04  8-July-99, 6-Aug-99, 20-Aug-99  accept  Now OK. Previously a shorted surface mount component disabled one TGV. QA details here.
    102  MCM-05  8-Jul-99, 9-Aug-99, 23-Aug-99  reject  serial data controls do not work, lost after TGVs, QA details here, timeline here.
    103  MCM-06  8-Jul-99  accept  MUX2 does not work, detector assembly OB-06
    104  MCM-07  9-Jul-99, 23-Aug-99  reject  originally, this had a short, short is gone but only 1/8 channels work, AMU problem? Oct 2002 all overflows. QA details here, timeline here.
    105  MCM-11  12-Jul-99, 5/6-Aug-99, 19-Aug-99  reject  5th group of 32 channels dead, maybe ADC (or PECL clock) problem, QA details here, timeline here.
    106  MCM-09  9-Jul-99, 5-Aug-99, 24-Aug-99  reject  originally, digital power 28 ohms to ground, this was fixed, but serial string download fails in TGV's or HM. QA details here, timeline here.
    107  MCM-10  9-Jul-99, 5-Aug-99  reject  only 32 channels worked correctly, strange response, connectivity problem(s) implied, QA details here, timeline here.
    109  MCM-08  9-Jul-99, 9-Aug-99, 20-Aug-99  reject  only 3/8 works, multiple AMU/ADC problems, previously "grade C" before fixing short in surface mount components. Oct 2002 all channels overflow. QA details here, timeline here.
    111  MCM-13  15-Jul-99, 6-Aug-99, 23-Aug-99, 15-Sep-99, 16-sep-99  reject  5th block of channels doesn't work, preamp OK, AMU OK, ADC problem?, QA details here, timeline here.
    112  MCM-14  8-Jul-99 ?-Aug-99  reject  failed laser station test, 32 + 24 nad channels, detector assembly OB-11, QA details here, timeline here.
    113  MCM-15  19-July-99, 22-Jul-99, 6-Aug-99, 24-Aug-99  reject  does not respond to Vcal input, ramp is bad, serial readback does not work, QA details here, timeline here.
    114  MCM-12  14-Jul-99, 6-Aug-99, 19-Aug-99  reject  7th, 8th group of 32 channels don't work, serial readback doesn't work (but serial controls appear to work). QA details here, timeline here.
    116  MCM-02  19-Aug-99  C?  originally judged A?, problems when attached to assembly, assembly IB-02, QA details here, timeline here.
    117  MCM-16  22-July-99, 25-Aug-99  accept  MUX2 doesn't work, chan 1 doesn't work, noisy?, QA details here.
    118  MCM-17  8-Jul-99  accept  A?  disc sum not understood well, detector assembly OB-14
    119  MCM-18  22-July-99, 25-Aug-99 accept  no problems seen
    120  MCM-01  --  reject  Originally judged A?, apparently damaged in handling, detector assembly IB-01, QA details here, timeline here.
    121  MCM-03  6-Jul-99  accept  A?  tested with Si attached, noisy, detector assembly IB-07

    summary (evaluation lot):

  • total grade A's = 4
  • total grade B's = 2
  • total grade C's = 3
  • total grade D's = 2
  • total grade F's = 7


    We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 6/18 = 0.33 +- .11.
    Two MCMs (which originally were judged "good") have failed tests after being attached to Si assemblies, handled, having surface mount components added and changed, ... If we include these in the MCM yield as "good",
    8/18 = 0.44 +- .12 were originally "good".

    Lot 2 MCM's:
    MCM serial number  assembly number  date tested  accept 
    or reject? 
    grade  notes
    165  MCM-019  20-Oct-99  reject  reworked surface mounts, first AMU/ADC all overflows, 28 other bad channels. QA details here
    168  MCM-020  20-Oct-99  accept  reworked surface mounts, 4 bad channels (channels, not chips), QA details here.
    180  MCM-021  20-Oct-99
    reject (20-Oct-99)
    reject (03-Dec-99)
    reworked surface mounts, serial download fails, QA details here.
    with fallen-off-cap remounted this is retested on 03-Dec-99
    1st block all overflow except ch# 6 which always gives 0
    analog spies show that preamp in this block is working but not very good and amu/adc is working fine 
    184  MCM-022  20-Oct-99  accept  reworked surface mounts, no problems seen.
    186  MCM-23  15-Oct-99  accept  no problems seen
    188  MCM-024  18-Oct-99  accept  no problems seen
    192  MCM-025  19-Oct-99  reject  3rd AMU/ADC very noisy QA details here
    195  MCM-026  19-Oct-99  accept  guinea pig
    This looks like perfect A even though one of the capacitors on the surface was burned 

    summary (lot 2):

  • total grade A's = 4
  • total grade B's = 1
  • total grade C's = 1
  • total grade D's = 1
  • total grade F's = 1



    We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 5/8 = 0.62+-.17

    This group of MCMs is about 1/2 from lot 2 and 1/2 from lot 3. This is the group which came back from Pace 9-Nov-99:
    MCM serial number  assembly number  date tested  accept 
    or reject? 
    grade  notes
    132  MCM-034  16-Nov-99  accept  no  problems seen
    139  MCM-035  9-Nov-99  reject  6th AMU/ADC dead 
    the QA test result sheet shows that +5VDHM/ADC is grounded 
    However I continued to test as I didn't realize the shortage 
    QA details here
    142  MCM-036  10-Nov-99  accept  channel 143 dead
    QA details here
    159  MCM-027  16-Nov-99  accept  9 bad channels
    QA details here
    167  MCM-028  16-Nov-99  reject  no data packet  at all or all overflow
    serial data does not come out
    readback serial string fails
    QA details here
    169  MCM-029  16-Nov-99  reject  all overflow
    serial data does not come cout
    readback serial string fails
    QA details here
    183  MCM-030  16-Nov-99  reject  all channels have bad resolution
    185  MCM-031  15-Nov-99  accept  no problems seen
    187  MCM-032  16-Nov-99  accept  no problems seen
    189  MCM-033  16-Nov-99  accept  no problems seen
    199  MCM-037  12-Nov-99  accept  no problems seen
    200  MCM-038  12-Nov-99 
    reject (12-Nov-99) 
    accept (01-Dec-99)
    F (12-Nov-99)
    A (01-Dec-99)
    +5VA AMU/ISUM shorted
    retested on 01-Dec-99 after fixing shortage on surface mount components 
    ch# 65 is dead
    206  MCM-039  12-Nov-99  accept  5 dead channels
    QA details here
    207  MCM-040  12-Nov-99  reject  3rd and 4th blocks bad, QA details here
    210  MCM-041  10-Nov-99  accept  no problems seen
    211  MCM-042  10-Nov-99  accept  chan 23,64 dead
    213  MCM-043  12-Nov-99 
    (first test) 
    (first test)
    (first test)
    serial download doesn't work (first test)
    no problems seen (retest) 
    I have no idea why it didn't work on the first test. 


  • total grade A's = 9
  • total grade B's = 2
  • total grade C's = 1
  • total grade D's = 1
  • total grade F's = 4
  • not tested = 0



    We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 11/17= 0.65+-.12

    This group of MCMs is mostly from lot 1, but some of them were from lot 4. This group arrived back from Pace 16-Nov-99:
    MCM serial number  assembly number  date tested  accept 
    or reject?
    grade  notes
    131  MCM-044 18-Nov-99  reject serial download does not work
    134  MCM-045  18-Nov-99  reject serial download does not work
    140  MCM-046  18-Nov-99  reject  serial download does not work
    141  MCM-047  18-Nov-99  reject  1st block dead
    3rd, 5th block bad performance
    6 dead channels
    27 bad channels
    7th,8th block preamp spy MUX does not work
    serial data does not come out 
    readback serial string fails
    QA details here
    149 MCM-048  18-Nov-99  reject  1st,8th block all overflows
    2nd,3rd,4th block bad performance
    3rd block is noisy
    serial download does not come out
    readback serial download fails
    QA details here
    152  MCM-049  18-Nov-99  reject +5VDHM /ADC is grounded
    153  MCM-050  18-Nov-99 
    reject (18-Nov-99) 
    reject (16-Dec-99)
    serial download does not work (18-Nov-99)
    serial download does not work (16-Dec-99)
    175  MCM-051  18-Nov-99  reject  +2.5VA is grounded
    181  MCM-052  18-Nov-99 
    reject (18-Nov-99)
    F (18-Nov-99)
    D (01-Dec-99)
    +2.5VA is grounded
    +5VDHM/ADC is grounded 
    retested on 01-Dec-99 after fixing shortage on surface mount component 
    1st and 7th block all overflow 
    it's found that some of surface mount components are missing
    this one should be retested
    214  MCM-053  18-Nov-99
    reject (18-Nov-99)
    reject (01-Dec-99)
    F (18-Nov-99)
    F (01-Dec-99)
    +5VDHM/ADC is grounded 
    retested 01-Dec-99 after fixing shortage on surface mount components 
    but this time PECL does not work adn serial download does not work
    215  MCM-054  17-Nov-99  accept  13 bad channels
    QA details here
    218  MCM-055  17-Nov-99 
    reject (17-Nov-99) 
    reject (16-Dec-99)
    F (17-Nov-99) 
    D (16-Dec-99);
    +2.5VA is grounded (17-Nov-99)
    many(~60) dead channels
    many(~70) bad channels
    ISUM is noisier, it looks work but peak height is smaller (16-Dec-99)
    222  MCM-056  17-Nov-99  reject  serial download does not work
    231  MCM-057  17-Nov-99  accept  3 bad channels
    QA details here
    232  MCM-058  17-Nov-99  reject  serial download does not work


  • total grade A's = 1
  • total grade B's = 1
  • total grade C's = 0
  • total grade D's = 1
  • total grade F's = 11
  • not tested = 0



    We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 2/15 = 0.13+-0.09

    This group of MCMs is mainly from lot 4, but some are from lot 1. This group of MCMs arrived back from Pace around 22-Nov-99:
    MCM serial number  assembly number  date tested  accept 
    or reject?
    grade  notes
    110  MCM-059 03-Nov-99 reject F serial download does not work
    122  MCM-060 03-Dec-99 reject F serial download does not work 
    MCM currents are not stable 
    127  MCM-061 03-Dec-99 reject F serial download does not work
    128  MCM-062 03-Nov-99 accept B 2 dead channels(234,235) and a dozen of bad channels
    179  MCM-063 03-Dec-99 reject C 1st block all overflow 
    preamp and amu/adc spies show they are working fine
    209  MCM-064 02-Dec-99 reject F serial download does not work 
    all ADCs 3FF 
    219  MCM-065 02-Dec-99 accept B many(~20) bad channels over the all blocks
    220  MCM-066 02-Dec-99 accept B 3 dead channels(ch# 67, 68, 69) and many(~50) bad channels messes up disc threshold
    225  MCM-067 02-Dec-99 reject F 1st block all overflows 
    5, 6, 7th blocks dead or bad resolution 
    many other dead channels over all blocks
    226  MCM-068 02-Dec-99 accept B many(~40) bad channels over all blocks
    227  MCM-069 30-Nov-99 reject F serial download does not work 
    no data packet at all 
    PECL clock is not of normal shape 
    digital current does not change when MCM is downloaded 
    +5VA_COMP is a little smaller(4.62V)
    228  MCM-070 30-Nov-99 reject D 6th block very bad resolution 
    many(~50) bad channels over all blocks
    229  MCM-071 29-Nov-99 reject F serial download failure between TP2 and 3, all ADCs 3FF
    230  MCM-072 29-Nov-99 reject F serial download failure, missing at all testpoints. No response to level-1 or bench-cal.
    233  MCM-073 24-Nov-99 accept B about 50 channels with low gain, messes up disc thresholds
    234  MCM-074 01-Dec-99 accept B many(~35) bad channels
    236  MCM-075 06-Dec-99 accept B many(~35) bad channels
    237  MCM-076 30-Nov-99 reject F serial download does not work.
    239  MCM-077 30-Nov-99 reject F all blocks have 0 ADC gain.
    240  MCM-078 30-Nov-99 reject F serial download does not come out on pin 23 
    serial readback fails 
    no data packet at all 

    summary (lot ?):

  • total grade A's = 0
  • total grade B's = 7
  • total grade C's = 1
  • total grade D's = 1
  • total grade F's = 11
  • not tested = 0

  • Note: as of 16-Dec-99, these numbers are not included in the overall totals.

    We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 7/20 = 0.35+-.11
    Note: as of 16-Dec-99, these numbers are not included in the overall totals.

    This group of MCMs is from lot 5. This group of MCMs arrived back from Pace at 19-Jan-00 with only mininal set of surface mount components.

    MCM serial number  assembly number  date tested  accept 
    or reject? 
    grade  notes
    221  MCM-79  20-Jan-00 

    +5VA_COMP grounded
    ->ch#171 is dead
    temperature line reads 1065mV but it doesn't feel hot
    235  MCM-80  20-Jan-00 

    serial read back flags some 80 bits wrong
    all blocks unstable
    sometimes work but sometimes do not(overflow)
    when it works it has good resolution
    we hope the rest of surface caps will remove unstablity QA details here.
    ->some blocks overflows at one calibration injection and another set of block overflows at another level of calibration injection
    totally unreliable
    241  MCM-81  20-Jan-00 

    +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->+5VA_COMP grounded
    ->temperature reads a litte high
    243  MCM-82  19-Jan-00 

    serial download fails, it does not come out even at test point 2 QA details here.
    ->serial string dispears between TP2 and TP3
    test mode works but responce from charge injection is all 3FF
    245  MCM-98  14-Feb-00  reject  this MCM arrived at LANL around 14-Feb-00 later than all the other MCMs from lot 5 because LockMart found some problems with this one and did some rework
    PECLA clock(pin#49) does not show up
    serial download fails, it does not come out even at test point 2
    no MCM output data at all
    255  MCM-83  21-Jan-00 

    no apparent dead block  very bad resolution
    ->ch#183 dead
    257  MCM-84  19-Jan-00 

    look ok except bad resolution of all channels QA details here.
    ->no problems seen
    263  MCM-85  20-Jan-00 

    +5VD_HM_ADC_ADC grounded
    ->No problems seen
    264  MCM-86  20-Jan-00

    +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->No problems seen
    265  MCM-87  21-Jan-00

    +5VA_AMU/ISUM grounded  +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->no problems seen
    266  MCM-88  21-Jan-00

    +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->no problem seen
    267  MCM-89  19-Jan-00

    +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->1st block very bad resolution
    268  MCM-90  19-Jan-00  

    looks ok except bad resolution of all channels
    ->no problems seen
    269  MCM-91  19-Jan-00  

    +5VA_AMU/ISUM grounded  +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->ch#164 dead(always overflows)
    270  MCM-92  21-Jan-00  

    +2.5VA_VMID grounded
    ->serial download dispears between TP3 and TP4
    block3~8 all overflow
    271  MCM-93  21-Jan-00  

    +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->2.5VA is not 2.5V but 4.46V
    no further test performed
    272  MCM-94  24-Jan-00  
    5th block is a little suspicious in the sense that some 20 channels give overflows or ~0 pedestals  
    clock and dataout waveforms are a little noisy and AMU cell addresses sometimes fail  
    slope is small
    ->no problems seen
    273  MCM-95  21-Jan-00  

    +2.5VA_VMID grounded  +5VD_HM_AND_ADC grounded
    ->ch#221 has smaller slope by about 0.7
    274  MCM-96  21-Jan-00  

    no obvious overflows  
    bad resolution or smaller slope
    ->no problems seen
    275  MCM-97  24-Jan-00  

    no obvious overflows  
    small slope 
    the clock and data out waveforms are noisy and AMU cell addresses sometimes fail
    ->MCM is unstable
    3rd block is very noisy

    summary (lot 5; with minimal set of surface components):

  • total grade A's = 6
  • total grade B's = 0
  • total grade C's = 0
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 13

  • ->

    summary (lot 5; with surface components fully populated):

  • total grade A's = 11
  • total grade B's = 2
  • total grade C's = 2
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 5



    We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 6/19 = 0.375+-.11

    fraction accepted = 13/20 = 0.65+-.11

    This group of MCMs is from lot 6 and 7. This group of MCMs arrived back from Pace around May 2000 (I don't know exactly).

    MCM serial number assembly number date tested accept
    or reject?
    grade notes
    247 MCM-109 23-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    285 MCM-114 23-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    242 MCM-106 26-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    248 MCM-110 26-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    225 MCM-105 26-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    297 MCM-116 26-Jun-00 accept B AMU spies not observed, Preamps on blocks 3 and 5 attenuate significntly over time.
    296 MCM-115 26-Jun-00 accept B could not observe spy channels
    304 MCM-120 27-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    302 MCM-119 27-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    254 MCM-113 27-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    301 MCM-118 27-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    300 MCM-117 28-Jun-00 accept A no problems seen
    253 MCM-112 28-Jun-00 reject F Fails data packet format test. No data displayed.
    249 MCM-111 28-Jun-00 reject F Fails data packet format test. No data displayed.
    303 MCM-143 17-Jul-00 accept A Block 1, 5, and 8 preamp spies attenuate over time
    294 MCM-139 18-Jul-00 accept A Block 4 and 8 preamp spies attenuate over time
    295 MCM-140 18-Jul-00 accept B Could not observe AMU spies
    298 MCM-141 18-Jul-00 accept B No output from spy lines
    299 MCM-142 18-Jul-00 accept A Block 3 and 4 preamp spies attenuate over time
    291 MCM-137 18-Jul-00 accept A Block 8 preamp spy attenuates severely over time
    293 MCM-138 18-Jul-00 accept A Block 2 and 3 preamp spies attenuate slightly over time
    282 MCM-129 18-Jul-00 accept A Block 1 preamp spy attenuates severely, 3, 4, and 6 slightly over time
    283 MCM-130 18-Jul-00 accept A Block 1 and 5 preamp spies attenuate slightly over time
    284 MCM-131 18-Jul-00 reject F No 10MHz, 40MHz, weak PECL B, no data out. . .
    286 MCM-132 18-Jul-00 accept A Block 7 preamp spy attenuates severly, 3 and 8 slightly over time
    287 MCM-133 19-Jul-00 reject F +5VA_TGV and +5VA_AMU/ISUM shorted
    288 MCM-134 19-Jul-00 accept B AMU spies not observed
    126 MCM-121 19-Jul-00 accept A Block 6 preamp spy attenuates over time.
    One bad channel: 164
    258 MCM-122 19-Jul-00 accept A AMU does not return to ground after signal
    289 MCM-135 20-Jul-00 accept B Block 6 preamp spy attenuates slightly over time.
    AMU spies don't return to ground.
    3, maybe 4 bad channels: (39), 41, 173, and 174.
    290 MCM-136 20-Jul-00 reject F +2.5VA shorted.
    262 MCM-123 20-Jul-00 accept A Block 1, 2, and 7 preamp spies attenuate over time.
    AMU spies don't return to ground
    276 MCM-124 20-Jul-00 accept A Block 3 and 4 attenuate, 7 not seen. AMUs don't return to ground
    280 MCM-127 20-Jul-00 accept A AMUs don't return to ground
    281 MCM-128 20-Jul-00 accept A Block2 and 8 preamp spies attenuate over time
    AMUs don't return to ground
    277 MCM-125 20-Jul-00 accept A Block 1 and 4 preamp spies attenuate significantly, 5 slightly over time
    278 MCM-126 20-Jul-00 reject F +5VD shorted

    summary (lot 6-7):

  • total grade A's = 25
  • total grade B's = 6
  • total grade C's = 0
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 6
  • We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 31/37 = .84+-0.06

    This group of MCMs is from lot 8.

    MCM serial number assembly number date tested accept
    or reject?
    grade notes
    108 MCM-144 3-Aug-00 reject F no output packets
    146 MCM-xxx Aug-00 ? reject F short, sent back to L/M
    156 MCM-xxx -- -- -- not tested
    166 MCM-145 2-Aug-00 accept A no problems
    170 MCM-146 3-Aug-00 accept A no problems
    178 MCM-147 2-Aug-00 accept B spy channels attenuate
    250 MCM-xxx -- -- -- not tested
    261 MCM-xxx Aug-00 ? reject F short, sent back to L/M
    308 MCM-148 3-Aug-00 accept A no problems
    316 MCM-xxx Aug-00 ? reject F short, sent back to L/M
    317 MCM-149 2-Aug-00 reject F all blocks overflow
    319 MCM-150 3-Aug-00 reject F +5VA 12 ohms to ground
    329 MCM-xxx Aug-00 ? reject F short, sent back to L/M

    summary (lot 8):

  • total grade A's = 3
  • total grade B's = 1
  • total grade C's = 0
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 7
  • total untested = 2
  • We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 4/11 = 0.36+-0.14

    This group of MCMs is from lot 9.

    MCM serial number assembly number date tested accept
    or reject?
    grade notes
    305 MCM-159 25-Aug-00 reject F no data out
    306 MCM-160 6-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    307 MCM-161 7-Sep-00 accept B no AMU spy
    312 MCM-162 7-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    313 MCM-163 7-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    315 MCM-164 7-Sep-00 accept B no AMU spy
    320 MCM-165 8-Sep-00 accept B no AMu spy
    322 MCM-166 7-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    323 MCM-167 7-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    325 MCM-168 8-Sep-00 accept B no AMu spy
    327 MCM-169 11-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    331 MCM-170 11-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    333 MCM-171 11-Sep-00 accept B no AMU spy
    334 MCM-172 11-Sep-00 reject F no data out
    335 MCM-173 11-Sep-00 reject C block 6 dead, no AMU spy
    336 MCM-174 12-Sep-00 reject F no data out

    summary (lot 9):

  • total grade A's = 0
  • total grade B's = 5
  • total grade C's = 1
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 10
  • total untested = 0

  • This group of MCMs is from lot 10.

    MCM serial number assembly number date tested accept
    or reject?
    grade notes
    156 MCM-175 23-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 9 and 11
    303 MCM-143 23-Oct-01 reject C Retest, Linearity test problems
    337 MCM-176 23-Oct-01 reject F No data packets out
    338 MCM-177 23-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 9 and 11
    339 MCM-178 24-Oct-01 reject F Short at pin 9
    341 MCM-179 24-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 27 and 29
    342 MCM-180 24-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 27 and 29
    344 MCM-181 24-Oct-01 reject F Short at pin 14
    345 MCM-182 24-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 9 and 11
    346 MCM-183 23-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 9 and 11
    347 MCM-184 23-Oct-01 reject F Serial readback Failure, all but one block bad
    348 MCM-185 23-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 9, 11 and 14
    349 MCM-189 23-Oct-01 reject F Short at pin 11
    350 MCM-187 23-Oct-01 ??? ??? ???
    351 MCM-188 23-Oct-01 reject F Low voltage at 13, had shorts
    355 MCM-189 23-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 27 and 29
    357 MCM-181 24-Oct-01 reject F Had component Shorts
    358 MCM-182 23-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 9 and 11
    359 MCM-183 23-Oct-01 reject F Had component shorts
    362 MCM-194 24-Oct-01 reject F Shorts at pins 27 and 29

    summary (lot 10):

  • total grade A's = possibly 1
  • total grade B's = 0
  • total grade C's = 1
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 18
  • total untested = 0

  • This group of MCMs is from lot 11.

    MCM serial number assembly number date tested accept
    or reject?
    grade notes
    364 MCM-206 28-Jun-02 accept A Retested after equipment was fixed
    367 MCM-205 28-Jun-02 accept A Retested after equipment was fixed
    368 MCM-204 28-Jun-02 accept A Retested after equipment was fixed
    369 MCM-201 1-Jul-02 accept A All testing went well
    371 MCM-197 28-Jun-02 accept F Serial String Readback Failed
    372 MCM-198 28-Jun-02 reject F Serial string does not appear after 2nd Xilinx
    373 MCM-210 27-Jun-02 reject F Serial string does not appear after 2nd Xilinx
    374 MCM-211 27-Jun-02 accept A Testing went well
    377 MCM-200 1-Jul-02 reject F Test mode did not work
    378 MCM-196 28-Jun-02 accept A Testing went well
    379 MCM-214 25-Jun-02 reject F Serial string does not appear at test point 3
    382 MCM-202 1-Jul-02 reject F Serial string does not appear after 2nd Xilinx
    384 MCM-203 1-Jul-02 reject F Serial string does not appear after 2nd Xilinx
    385 MCM-199 28-Jun-02 reject F Serial string lost at test point 4
    386 MCM-212 26-Jun-02 accept A Testing went well
    387 MCM-208 27-Jun-02 accept A Testing went well
    388 MCM-207 28-Jun-02 reject F Shows 3ff on all channels in readback
    389 MCM-213 26-Jun-02 reject F Serial string does not appear at test point 3
    391 MCM-209 27-Jun-02 accept A Testing went well

    summary (lot 11):

  • total grade A's = 9
  • total grade B's = 0
  • total grade C's = 0
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 10
  • total untested = 0

  • This group of MCMs is from lot 12.

    MCM serial number assembly number date tested accept
    or reject?
    grade notes
    380 MCM-015 8-Jul-02 Accept A One bad ADC channel
    392 MCM-002 8-Jul-02 Accept A Testing went well
    393 MCM-008 3-Jul-02 reject F Did not display values when lv 1 was issued
    394 MCM-011 2-Jul-02 reject F Probably shorted at pins 27 and 29
    395 MCM-012 2-Jul-02 reject F Serial string lost at test point 3
    396 MCM-006 3-Jul-02 accept A Testing went well
    397 MCM-013 8-Jul-02 reject F Failed linearity test
    398 MCM-020 2-Jul-02 accept A Testing went well
    399 MCM-022 1-Jul-02 reject C ONe block of channels only gives 3ff
    400 MCM-014 8-Jul-02 accept A Everything worked OK, but there appears to be a short in pin 11
    401 MCM-004 9-Jul-02 reject F Short in pin 14
    403 MCM-023 1-Jul-02 reject F Each block displays a plethora of problems
    404 MCM-007 3-Jul-02 reject F Serial string readback fails
    405 MCM-017 2-Jul-02 reject F Serial string lost at test point 2, Voltage at pin 14 double the expected value
    406 MCM-018 2-Jul-02 accept A ADC gain flaws with one block of channels
    407 MCM-001 9-Jul-02 reject F Serial string lost at test point 4
    408 MCM-021 1-Jul-02 reject F Does not pass linearity test. ADC gains off.
    412 MCM-005 2-Jul-02 accept A Testing went well
    413 MCM-009 2-Jul-02 accept A Slightly noisy
    418 MCM-010 2-Jul-02 accept A Testing went well
    420 MCM-019 2-Jul-02 reject F All channels overflow
    421 MCM-016 8-Jul-02 accept A A little noisy
    422 MCM-003 9-Jul-02 accept A Equipment says there are 9 bad ADC gains, but not apparent to me

    summary (lot 12):

  • total grade A's = 11
  • total grade B's = 0
  • total grade C's = 1
  • total grade D's = 0
  • total grade F's = 11
  • total untested = 0
  • We accept grades A and B.
    fraction accepted = 5/16 = 0.31+-0.12

    updated 29-Nov-1999
    John Sullivan

    updated  07-Feb-2000
    Sangsu Ryu

    updated 23-Jun-2000
    John Sullivan

    updated 21-Jul-2000
    Preston Willis

    updated 18-Oct-2000
    John Sullivan, Toshi Shiina

    updated 12-Jul-2002
    Dale Cox