MAPS test hardware
in inverse chronological order

Trigger counters for the stave test
Mechanical mockup
MVTX-beampipe EASM
MVTX blog on Google docs
The 8-stave test box

Trigger box designed by Marie Boer and Shaun Newman: EASM model
PDF rendering


The negative pressure cooling system by Chris O'Shaughnessy: Design document for the negative pressure cooling system
Drawings of the system


The telescope box by Chris O'Shaughnessy: drawings


Staves in the test box


Preparing for a beamtest:
Beamtest box


Next: a segmented trigger using scintillating fibers:
Fiber trigger


Mount for a pair of trigger scintillators.
Details here

Hubert van Hecke
Last modified: Thu Oct 8 21:38:06 MDT 2020