How to build PYTHIA | |||||||||||||
Log in to rcas (rcas2067) | |||||||||||||
topythia | cd's you to /phenix/workarea/hubert/event_gen/src/pythia/ | ||||||||||||
| builds executable gen_pythia_muon from the local gen_pythia_muon.f. In the .f file you can determine what particles to produce etc. | ||||||||||||
How to run PYTHIA | |||||||||||||
Log in to rcas (rcas2067) | |||||||||||||
topythia | cd's you to /phenix/workarea/hubert/event_gen/src/pythia/ | ||||||||||||
cd linux | to the 'run' directory | ||||||||||||
emacs pythia.par | to set the # of events | ||||||||||||
gen_pythia_muon | produces /phenix/data07/hubert/pythia/pythia_xxx.dat where xxx is a sequence number (stored in sequence.dat). Also produces pythia_027.hist, which is copied to /data07/ | ||||||||||||
How to build PISA | |||||||||||||
the Pisa home page, about pisaLinker.csh
also these notes, which are an update of this page from John | ||||||||||||
How to run PISA | |||||||||||||
topisa | cd's you to /phenix/workarea/hubert/cvs4/simulation/pisa2000/wrk/myrun/ | ||||||||||||
ln -sf <file> pythia.dat | where
edit pisa.input | change the #events
| run PISA.
| Produces file PISAEvent.root
pisaRootRead | produces several files ancxxx.root from PISAEvent.root , where xxx is
the subsystem name.
| Rename ancsvx.root to ancsvx_nnn.root, and make a softlink from ancsvx.root to ancsvx_nnn.root. Here is a decription of what is in ancsvx.root
How to analyze the root file
ln -sf ancsvx_nnn.root ancsvx_softlink.root | macro below looks for ancsvx_softlink.root.
root -l | .x beauty05.C runs through the anc output file, produces beauty05.root
| rename to beauty05_xxx.root |
******************************************************** * NTUPLE ID= 1000 ENTRIES= 10000 Pythia Particles ******************************************************** * Var numb * Name * Lower * Upper * ******************************************************** * 1 * Event * 0.100000E+01 * 0.100000E+05 * * 2 * Pid1 * -.130000E+02 * 0.130000E+02 * * 3 * Px1 * -.993957E+01 * 0.653895E+01 * * 4 * Py1 * -.545346E+01 * 0.739957E+01 * * 5 * Pz1 * -.283827E+02 * 0.208152E+02 * * 6 * Energy1 * 0.122965E+00 * 0.286432E+02 * * 7 * vertx * -.421301E+01 * 0.292651E+01 * * 8 * verty * -.464901E+01 * 0.405857E+01 * * 9 * vertz * -.151397E+02 * 0.161597E+02 * * 10 * x1 * 0.429273E-02 * 0.842110E+00 * * 11 * x2 * 0.412389E-02 * 0.776209E+00 * * 12 * xf * -.750181E+00 * 0.808152E+00 * * 13 * tau * 0.250574E-02 * 0.940052E-01 * ********************************************************(Convert to flat file containing vertx,y,z/10.0, using paw_batch.kumac)
Vertex distribution is as shown on the right:
ctau for B mesons is 388 um, with a boost of 2-3 gives a mean of 1.15 um for the decay distance. |
Assignment of 'layers' has changed. Layer numbers 5-8 are the
North Si lampshades, and 9-12 are the South lampshades.
Radiograph of all hits on all layers. Looks like the barrel
here has 3 layers, at 6, 8 and 10 cm.
Radiograph of all hits on the North, requiring that
all 4 planes are hit
The geometry is the old one, with 2x4 identical lampshades.
In the original, the total thickness of the lampshades is 224 um of Silicon. In the analysis, the r-positions of the hits are 'integerized' to simulate 50 um wide strips. |