HI team history

(some of the) P-25 Heavy Ion Team History
An overview of the projects the HI team has been involved with over the years. Collected here are (mostly) pictures in which people appear.

NA34 (~1985-1996)
Nick DiGiacomo, Hubert van Hecke, Barbara Jacak, Pat McGaughey, Walter Sondheim, Jules Sunier

Links: a page at Lund  
Experiment NA34 (Helios), was one of 2 big survey experiments (the other one was NA35) built for the new CERN heavy ion program. CERN delivered oxygen, sulphur and lead beams, as well as protons.

We built a hadron spectrometer, highlighted in the picture, which viewed the target through a narrow slit in the calorimeter wall surrounding the target area. We built drift chambers, aerogel threshold cherenkov counters and a scintillator TOF wall.

Walter assembling the drift chamber

.....lots more pictures, so I put them on a separate page

NA44 (~1989-1996)
Jan Boissevain, Doug Fields, Allan Hansen, Barbara Jacak, Michael Murray, Martin Sarabura, Jehanne Simon-Gillo, Walter Sondheim, John Sullivan, Hubert van Hecke, Nu Xu

NA44 (homepage here) was a second-generation HI experiment. This was a small-acceptance spectrometer optimized for identified single-particle and two-particle (Bose-Einstein) distributions.

We built gas cherenkov threshold counters, an aerogel cherenkov counter and a scintillating fiber T0 counter.

This is one of the pressurized gas threshold cherenkov counters. They are kept warm and are wrapped in a blanket.
In the NA44 control room: Ian Bearden, Toru Sugutate, Nu Xu, Achim Franz, Jehanne Simon-Gillo, Masashi Kaneta, Hubert van Hecke, Dan Zachary, Hans Boggild, Dave Hardtke, Michael Murray.

..... many more pictures, on a separate page


Jan Boissevain, Tom Carey, Allan Hansen, Hubert van Hecke, Barbara Jacak, Jo Kapustinsky, John Lillberg, Larry Marek, Pat McGaughey, Ben Norman, Jehanne Simon-Gillo, Walter Sondheim, John P. Sullivan, Gary Smith

MVD home page

Chuck Britton (top) and Nance Ericson (middle) from Oak Ridge National Lab arrive at Los Alamos National Lab with the prototype electronics that will be studied in the beamtest. Hubert van Hecke (bottom) set up the prototype DAQ system which reads out the electronics.

Hubert van Hecke (shown) and David Jaffe from UCR setup the prototype PHENIX DAQ for reading out the silicon detector electronics assemblies.
Jan Boissevain and Hubert van Hecke are installing the prototype MVD RF enclosure over the silicon detectors and electronics. The shield is constructed of a lightweight foam, Rohacell, and aluminum foil. One of the objectives of the beam test was to study the electrical properties of the RF enclosure. A more robust shield (for diagnostic purposes) fits over the Rohacell enclosure.
Jehanne Simon-Gillo, MVD beam test spokesperson
Jon Kapustinsky studying detector and electronics response
Stringing cables at the AGS test beam
Hubert van Hecke working on the DAQ
Nu Xu looking at response of detector and electronics
Jehanne Simon-Gillo setting up the LVL1 trigger
Hubert and Chi examining the printed circuit MCM
Toshi Shiina mounting an inner top assembly
Hubert after the MVD installation (3:03 AM)
Allan Hansen with the MVD istallation fixture
Finishing the 2005(?) partial MVD installation
Ihnjea Choi finishing the 2005(?) patrial MVD installation


Christine Aidala, Jan Boissevain, Melynda Brooks, Matt Durham, Jin Huang, Jon Kapustinsky, Gerd Kunde, Kwangbok Lee, Dave Lee, Ming Liu, Pat McGaughey, Cesar da Silva, Walter Sondheim, Hubert van Hecke, Xiaodong Xiang, Zhenyun You,

FVTX home page  
.... lots more pictures separate page

L3/SMD (~1990-1998)
Melynda Brooks, Tom Coan, Jon Kapustinsky, Wayne Kinnison, Dave Lee, Geoff Mills

In 1990, with the support and encouragement of LANL Associate Director, Gary Sanders, our LANL group joined two research efforts with MIT Professor and L3 spokesperson, Sam Ting. One of them was to provide broad support to build a silicon inner tracker for the experiment L-Star, which was proposed for the Superconducting Super Collider. The second was to join the L3 collaboration at CERN and participate in the design, assembly, installation and operation of a silicon inner tracker upgrade to the experiment. The Silicon Microvertex Detector, SMD, was designed as a 2-layer, double-sided barrel detector [1]. Topside strips were oriented along the beam direction, and bottom side strips were oriented orthogonal to the beam direction. The basic detector unit, called a ladder, was comprised of two independent silicon detectors that were read out on opposite ends of the barrel. They were joined together as one ladder. In total, there were 24 ladders comprised of 96 silicon sensors. The sensors were fabricated at CSEM-Neuchatel, Switzerland. Our main contribution to the project was to provide the front-end readout for the detector. The schedule to complete the detector was very aggressive, and so we chose to build based on technologies that had already been fielded, in particular, from the Fermilab Tevatron experiment CDF. The SVX readout chip had been designed for CDF, however, in the first year of running, it proved vulnerable to radiation damage. A rad-hard version had been designed, but not yet fabricated. Our LANL group oversaw the first fabrication runs of that chip, which was called SVX-H. There were also strict constraints to run the SMD at 20 degrees Celsius. In order to accomplish that, we decided to change the hybrid substrate from the alumina used by CDF, to a much more thermally conductive material, aluminum nitride. Sophisticated modeling by the mechanical engineering group at LANL guided the cooling design and thermal contact between hybrids and cooling channels [2]. The multilayer hybrid, thick film printed with alternating conductor and dielectric, required 34 individual prints and 23 firings. Unexpectedly, the high thermally conducting substrate caused the dielectric to craze during the elevated temperature processing, causing the metal layers to be unstable. It took several iterations of development with the ink producers, Ferro Corporation, before we were able to find a stable dielectric paste. The hybrids were fabricated at Promex in Santa Clara, California. The SVX-H die were wafer probed at LBL. The assembled hybrids were qualified at LANL, shipped to CERN, and tested again after they arrived. LANL also designed the kapton readout cables that connected the hybrids to the converter boards.

At CERN, LANL participated in the testing, assembly, installation and commissioning of the SMD. A core team of four people were allowed into the restricted area in the 'pit' to install the SMD in March-April 1993, LANL was represented on that team and had the role of detector specialist, alongside the operations specialist and 2 CERN technicians.LANL also had the role of Deputy Project Leader of the SMD and reported directly to Sam Ting on his executive council. The LANL group collaborated on L3 for the remainder of the decade.

[1] Design and Construction of a Double-sided Silicon Vertex Detector for the L3 Experiment at CERN, J.S. Kapustinsky et. al., IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 41, Issue 4, pg. 772, 1994.

[2] Heat Transfer Using Aluminum Nitride in a Silicon Microvertex Detector, J.S. Kapustinsky and Eric Perrin, Proceedings of the Ist International Conference on Detector Cooling, Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct 4-7, 1994.

Movie of the SMD construction and installation (9 minute mp4)

Overview of L3

Jon Kapustinsky assembling the SMD at CERN in the spring of 1993
L3 SMD planning meeting that was held at LANL, I think in 1992. Clockwise from the front is: Michel Lebeau, LAPP-Annecy, Jan Boissevain, LANL, Eric Perrin, U of Geneva, Wayne Kinnison, LANL, Gian Mario Bilei, INFN U of Perugia, Geoff Mills, LANL, Jon Kapustinsky, LANL, Bruno Checcuci, INFN U of Perugia, Tim Thompson, LANL.
Los Alamos major responsibility was to provide the front end readout hybrids (blue aluminum nitride boards). Because our schedule was ahead of CDF, we were the first institution to fabricate the newly designed SVX-H chip, a radiation hardened version of the original CDF chip which proved vulnerable in the first CDF run. This is the Zed side of the 2-sided ladder. The silicon strips run vertically in this view. The very thin kapton cable that is glued to the silicon routes the signals horizontally to the end of the ladder. In between the hybrid and the silicon are decoupling capacitors on a quartz substate.
We (esp. Michel Lebeau) had a custom box built to transport the SMD from the clean room to the experiment (the pit). The design is in homage to our spokesperson, Sam Ting.
This is m. Boudineau (CERN) in the metrology lab recording the dozens of alignment coordinates placed on the detector. Soon after this picture, he would forget to re-enable a proximity switch, and the optical head would crash into the detector, damaging 3 ladders. With no time left to repair, we installed the detector in 1993 and removed, repaired and re-installed in 1994.
L3 was the last experiment on LEP to install a silicon detector and as such, it was an afterthought. The annulus between the beampipe (beryllium) and the Time Expansion Chamber is the space that was available for the detector.
Two L3 technicians making final preparations to install the clamshell detector around the beampipe and slide it into place.
Carefully installing the final locking precision pin that holds the 2 halves of the clamshell together.

Hubert van Hecke
Last modified: Wed Mar 8 16:43:57 MST 2017