With all volumes off in pisa.kumac [remove all arguments from the GEOP line, turn all detectors OFF], these volumes are still there:
Volumes rts1,2,3 are the RLT (relative luminosity telescope) They were ON because in pisa_act.f, which processes pisa.kumac, the presence of RLT was checked against 'off', and not 'OFF', as is the case for all other subsystems in pisa.kumac. I fixed that, so RLT is no longer ON by default. In the new version, 'OFF' can be spelled in any mix of upper/lower case letters. CAUTION, this may not be true for other pisa.kumac command arguments.
Volume EMCL is a dummy volume to hold EMC, AER, TOF etc. It was defined in order to deal with the central arms being moved back from the beam pipe during test runs. However, DCH is not part of this. This is deeply embedded, so I'll leave it as it is. Normally, EMCL is set to invisible. Note: HALL is filled with AIRF, and EMCL is filled with AIRLOWF, this refers to air and magnetic field treatment.