Outstanding problems on the new endcap geometry

This is TRP1, which is the North big panel. TRP1 contains 2 copies of TRPM. Each copy of TRPM holds one TRPQ, which is the actual Silicon. The silicon (pink) hangs over the edge of the carbon panel (black).

satt * seen 0
satt trp1 seen 1
satt trpm seen 1
satt trpq seen 1
next; draw trp1 90 90 0 10 10 1. 1. 

This is TRP3, which is the North small panel. Note that the silicon is not hanging over the edge.

satt * seen 0
satt trp1 seen 1
satt trpm seen 1
satt trpq seen 1
next; draw trp1 90 90 0 10 10 1. 1. 

This shows only the silicon in TRP1,2,3 and 4. Note the gaps in coverage in the small lampshades.

satt * seen 0
satt trpm seen 1
satt trpn seen 1
satt trpo seen 1
satt trpp seen 1
next; draw sicg 80 0 10 10 10 .23 .23 

Here is the current code. The problem is where TRPO get placed in TRP3 (line 1348):

    CALL GSPOS( 'TRPO' , 1, 'TRP3' , 0. , panthk/2+(chipthk+sithk)/2
     +     , plength2/2-silen7/2,ir6,'ONLY')

The SVX is divided into 'layers'. Layers SI01-SI04 are the barrel, layers SI05-SI08 are the North endcaps and SI09-SI12 are the South endcaps.

For example the innermost barrel is made up out of 10 SI01 'ladders'. Similarly, the northernmost endcap is made up out of 24 SI08 wedges (see picture above).
SISP are support structures.

SICG sits in the Silicon enclosure SIEN, which sits in HALL.

The barrel ladders each hold 4 silicon detectors SISN
(SIPV is passive material)

For the endcaps, each wedge SI08 holds 2 subpanels TRPM and E, which in turn hold the sensitive silicon TRPQ and TRPI

The rest of the volumes are supporting material, electronic chips etc.

The barrels are declared as active detectors with:

         call gsdet( SVX , SI01 , 6 , HALL , etc
                                      SI01      <- this is the vector that holds 
                                      SISN          the unique path to the sensitive
                                      SISN           volume
         call gsdet( SVX , SI02 , ...same...
         call gsdet( SVX , SI03 ,    ''
         call gsdet( SVX , SI04 ,    ''
When I issue the next call to GSDET to declare the endcaps:

         call gsdet( SVX , SI05 , 6 , HALL , etc
Pisa complains with error messages like:

 GLVOLU : Volume TRPM for Level   5 does not exist in Volume SI01 (many times)
                        ''                                   SI02 (many times)
                        ''                                   SI03 (many times)
                        ''                                   SI04 (many times)
Geant it trying to place something that belongs in the endcaps (TRPM) into the barrels (SI01,2,3,4). Why?

Here is the code.

Last update 27 Aug 04 HvH 
