Las Vegas talk - index


Talk given at the 4-day symposium 'Probing Nuclear Matter at Extreme Conditions', part of the 214th National American Chemical Society meeting, September 8-11, Las Vegas, organized by ManYee Betty Tsang.

Hubert van Hecke, LANL

John Sullivan, Bernd Schlei, Ray Nix, Michael Murray, Nu Xu.

1.1 phases of the collision - one of the usual cartoons
1.2 singles spectra - NA44 pi+,K+,p for SS and PbPb
1.3 SPS slopes - NA44 pi+,K+ for SS and PbPb, ISR pp
1.4 SPS slopes - NA44 pi-,K- for SS and PbPb, ISR pbars
1.5 AGS slopes - E802 pi+,K+,p,d for p+Au, Si+Al, Au+Au
1.6 NA49 slopes - *new* NA49 slopes for pi, K, p, phi, lambda, cascade and d
1.7 interim conclusions - we establish a temperature from mT slopes
2.1 HBT intro - the usual cartoons
2.2 some HBT pictures - NA44 pi+pi+ for PbPb
2.3 you can't see the back of the sun - radii and flow in RQMD
2.4 Chapman-Nix intro - why we need a joint singles-doubles approach
2.5 Chapman-Nix variables - the complete variable set at freezeout
2.6 Chapman-Nix hypersurface - for fit to E802 AGS data
2.7 AGS data and Chapman-Nix fits - E802 pi+,pi-,K+,K-,p
2.8 AGS Chapman-Nix fit parameters - plus some comments
2.9 NA44 Chapman-Nix fit parameters - on unnormalized pi, K p spectra, also showing low temperature
3.1 Test of the model using Hylander output - *new* Can it follow extreme extreme conditions?
3.2 Who determines what? - *new* Parameter sensitivity to singles data, pairs data or both.
3.3 Who determines what? - *new* Parameter sensitivity to pion, kaon data or both.
3.4 Fit with NA44 PbPb data - *new* Normalized K+, pi+ singles, and pi+ and pi- pairs
3.5 NA44 fit pictures - *new* pi+, K+ spectra
3.6 conclusions - *new*

HvH, ACS meeting, September '97, Las Vegas
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