las vegas - NA44 parameters


In a previous slide, a fit to NA44 PbPb data was shown, using unnormalized singles spectra. Although the slope was well determined, the absolute number of pions, kaons and protons was not known.

Here I show the result of a fit using normalized pi+ and K+ data, as well as 3D Bose-Einstein correlation data from pi+ and pi- pairs.

parameter description value and uncertainty
at 99% confidence

T Nuclear temperature T 90 +- 13
mu_b/T Baryon chemical potential
lambda_pi Pion incoherence fraction 0.59 +_ 0.07
R Transverse freezeout radius 11.1 +- 1.7
v_t Transverse freezeout velocity 0.5 +- 0.1 c
alpha_t Transverse freezeout coefficient 0.06 +- 0.99
y Source rapidity
eta_0 Longitudinal spacetime rapidity 1.3 +- 0.6
tau_f Longitudinal freezeout proper time 10.3 +- 3.9 fm/c

The error bar on the parameters has decreased considerably, and the values are consistent with the earlier determination.

HvH, ACS meeting, September '97, Las Vegas
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