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The discriminators in the MVD: Conclusions
John P. Sullivan


The performance of the discriminators measured for protyotypes produced in the hp process seems good enough for use in a multiplicity trigger based on the MVD barrel or pads. The correlation between the true multiplicity (meaning the expected number of channels "on" for a discriminator with no channel to channel variation) and the measured multiplicity (meaning the expected number of channels "on" for discriminators with the measured channel to channel variation) is linear and narrow. This was checked over a range of multiplicites from 0.2% of the expected multiplicity for central Au+Au collisions up to the full central Au+Au multiplicity. The slope of the correlation is very close to the ideal value of 1 and varies about a percent with pseudorapidity from -4 to 4.

The current discriminator nominal setting was 0.39 mip. Ideally, this value would be lower since it gives less than 100% efficiency for the MVD strips. I did not calculate the exact efficiency, but based on the ADC distributions shown in this study, the efficiency is probably around 95-98%.

John Sullivan
updated Thursday December 18, 1997