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A description of files used
in these calculations
(this is only for very ambitious readers)
John P. Sullivan


The plots shown in this note were made using the following hbook files which were the output of the pisorp program. The first hbook file ( pisorp.hst) contains the results of the calculations for 12% to 100% of the central Au+Au multiplicity. The second file ( pisorp_lowm.hst) contains the lower multiplicity calculations (0.2% to 10% of the central Au+Au multiplicity). I give no guarantee that you can read these files, they were written on an hp-735 running version 10.20 of the operating system.

The plots which used these files as input used the following "kumac" files to actually make the plots.

Plots showing the mean measured multiplicity as a function of the true multiplicity (and the straight line fits) were made with disc_trig.kumac for the higher multiplicity case and with disc_trig_lowm.kumac for the lower multiplicity case.

Plots showing the scatter plots of true vs. measured multiplicity were made with disc_trig2.kumac for the higher multiplicity case and with disc_trig2_lowm.kumac for the lower multiplicity case.

Plots showing the deviations from the straight line fits to the true vs mean measured multiplicity were made with disc_trig_diff.kumac for the higher multiplicity case and with disc_trig_diff_lowm.kumac for the lower multiplicity case.

Plots showing the mean measured multiplicity as a function of pseudorapidity (higher multiplicity only) were made with disc_vs_eta.kumac.

Plots of the sample adc distributions were made with adc_dists.kumac.

John Sullivan
updated Thursday December 18, 1997