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Expected pad and strip detector ADC distributions in the MVD
John P. Sullivan


The following plots of the "ADC" distributions in the strips and pads help to understand the efficiencies seen in these discriminator studies ( postscript version also available).

The horizontal axis is in mips instead of ADC channels to simplify comparisons to the plots of discriminator thresholds. The overall efficiencies are less than 1 and less than some people might have guessed. Part of the problem is that a "mip" is defined as the average signal from a mip. The actual energy loss distribution has a long ("Landau") tail with very high energy loss values. The result is the the mean is significantly larger than the most probable energy loss distribution. In other words, the peak of the distribution is at less than 1 mip. For the pad detectors, the typical energy loss in a channel is actually slightly larger than the energy loss from a particle at normal incidence since most particles have an incident angle of a few 10's of degrees. The result is a typical signal slightly larger than 1 mip -- which is normally defined for normal incidence into a 300 micron detector. For the strip detectors most particles enter the detector at a very large angle relative to the normal. The result is that the energy loss in a given strip corresponds to the energy loss in about 200 microns of Si (the strip pitch). This results in smaller signals than for pads. On the other hand, the average occupancy of the pads is relatively high for high multiplicity events -- causing many strips to have multiple hits per channel. This increases the efficiency of the discriminator (because the signals are twice as large) at high occupancy/multiplicity values. In the pads this is probably the cause of the departure of the plots of true vs. measured multiplicity from linear behavior at high multiplicities ( postscript plot here ).

These simulations included a simulation of noise in the MVD. The noise was assumed to be present at a level of 0.1mip (sigma) in all channels -- whether or not they had a real hit. This just degrades the resolution for channels with a real hit. For channels with no hit, it means that there is a pedestal with a width of 0.1mip (sigma) and a mean of 0. This allows some channels to be above the discriminator threshold even without a hit. The tail of this noise/pedestal distribution can be seen in the "ADC" distributions shown above.

John Sullivan
updated Thursday December 18, 1997