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Spy lines: The motherboards for the beamtest had 'spy lines' connected to a few channels. There were spy lines at the preamp/integrator output, and at the AMU output. This picture from the digital oscilloscope shows both lines. A jump in the integrator output shows an event occurred. Two charge samples were taken before and after the transition, 400 ns apart (which is small on the 50 us/div scale of this display). Subsequently a trigger prompted the AMU to retrieve the two charge samples from its analog memory, and they appear on the AMU spy line.
Noise and reset: On this picture another event can be seen. Also low-frequency noise can be seen on the integrator spy line. Charge on the integrator builds up until a system-wide integrator reset is issued by the Heap Manager. Resets can be issued 1K, 2K, 4K or 8K beam ticks apart. A reset can be seen 350 us from the left of the picture. Note the negative excursion before zeroing.