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Response to ESA-DE PHENIX MVD Design Review Report

Jan Boissevain and Jehanne Simon-Gillo
February 22, 1996


1.0 Introduction

This document is in response to the Progress Report generated by ESA-DE in January 1996, "ESA-DE PHENIX MVD Design Review", written by Lucie Parietti, Chris Potter, Tim Thompson and Dick Martin. The Progress Report was divided into seven sections which dealt with four topics:
  1. Electronics Cooling
  2. Fluid-Induced Vibrations
  3. Gravitational Displacement
  4. Hydroscopic Expansion of Rohacell.
We have studied the conclusions and recommendations suggested by ESA regarding each of the four topics and have addressed them below. Each section corresponding to one of the ESA topics, is broken up as follows:
  1. Summary: brief summary of the ESA report on that particular topic
  2. Comments: Statements which clarify already complete R&D tests or mechanical plans, as well as additional tests which we agree to perform in the future
  3. Future tests: Additional tests which we propose be conducted by ESA-DE. This section is divided into two lists. The "Class A" tests are those which we feel could be started right away, assuming that we agree on the ESA financial and time estimates. The "Class B" tests are those which we will likely want to be conducted in the near future. We would like to request from ESA, estimates which describe the costs and time needed to perform these tests. Please make separate estimates for the "Class A" and the "Class B" tests.

2.0 Electronics (MCM) Cooling

2.1 Summary

The following concerns were expressed and suggestions were made:


2.3 Future tests

2.3.1 Class A

2.3.2 Class B

3.0. Fluid-Induced Vibrations

3.1 Summary


3.3 Future tests (IF Air Cooling is the technology choice):

3.3.1 Class B

4.0 Gravitational Displacement of MVD Frame.

4.1 Summary


4.3 Future tests

5.0 Hydroscopic Expansion of the Foam

5.1 Summary


Figure 1. Water Diffusion in Rohacell Foam

Figure 2. Rohacell Stress vs Strain

5.3 Future tests

5.3.1 Class A

5.3.2 Class B