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Case #3

Figure 7: Effect of different Discrimination Function cuts for Case #3.

In this case the fake pion ID efficiency does not fall as sharply for muon ID efficiency between 100% and 90%. If one requires an acceptance of 95% of the muons, or even 90% of the muons, only 82% of the pions are rejected. Contrary to Case #1 and Case #2, small sacrifices in muon ID efficiency do not lead to better fake pion ID efficiency. In fact, rejecting 95% of the pions leads to accepting only 60% of the muons. For this case, the discrimination functions are much less separated than for Case #1. Comparing figures 8 and 9 to figures 2 and 3, it is obvious that this ``per plane efficiency'' (Case #3) leads to poorer discrimination between muons and pions.

Figure 8: D.F. for Muons for Case #3.

Figure 9: D.F. for Pions for Case #3.

Wayne Kinnison
Fri May 19 22:23:02 MDT 1995