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Case #4

Figure 10: Effect of different Discrimination Function cuts for Case #4.

This case is the same as Case #2, except with the last plane having an efficiency of only 1%. Comparing this case to Case #2, the results were found to be virtually the same. Again, with a specified muon ID efficiency of 95%, 88.2% of the pions are rejected. The results imply that using only five planes may be satisfactory for discrimination purposes. It may be of interest to compare the plots of the variable Last Plane Hit for these two cases as well. These plots are just shown to give an idea of how many muons make it to any one of the planes. Figure 11 is the case where the last plane is neglected, and Figure 12 is just Case #2 as a comparison.

Figure 11: Last Plane Hit for Case #4.

Figure 12: Last Plane Hit for Case #2.

Wayne Kinnison
Fri May 19 22:23:02 MDT 1995