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Case #2

Figure 4: Effect of different Discrimination Function cuts for Case #2.

The results for this case are similar to Case #1. Again a required acceptance of 95% of the muons would reject 88% of the pions. The discrimination function values have changed to some degree, but not enough to alter this result. Comparing the discrimination functions of Case #2 to those of Case #1 (Figures 5 and 6 compared to Figures 2 and 3), one can see that they are not quite as well separated. This shows that lower efficiency leads to poorer separation between muons and pions, although the final result is the same as for Case #1.

Figure 5: D.F. for Muons for Case #2.

Figure 6: D.F. for Pions for Case #2.

Wayne Kinnison
Fri May 19 22:23:02 MDT 1995