Oak Ridge National Laboratory
September 28-30, 1996
A Muon Arms Group Meeting will be held at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee from September 28 through September
30, 1996. The meeting will mostly take place in Building 6008 of the Laboratory. Part
of the meeting will include inspection of the muon identifier
prototype located nearby in Building 6010.
An agenda will be provided soon. The meeting will be begin at 9
am on Saturday, September 28 in Building 6008 large conference room.
We will also have the small conference room available to us.
Mr. Jack
Bollini (Provac, Ltd.) and Dr. Max Meoni (Pol.Hi.Tech.) will be
present for much of the meeting. Their companies will be involved in providing some of the Iarocci tubes which will be used in the Muon Identifier.
Useful Information
Getting There, etc.
The Knoxville, Tennessee airport is a 45-minute drive from Oak Ridge.
Last updated: 26 September 1996Page created by K. Read, Oak Ridge National Laboratory