Oak Ridge National Laboratory

September 28-30, 1996

Meeting Goals and Draft Agenda

Goals of the Meeting

All aspects of the Muon Arms needs to prepare for upcoming Preliminary and Final Design Review over the next several months. With that in mind, the purpose of this meeting is to In order to accomplish the above stated goals we will need plenty of time for discussion of the topics which will be brought up in the talks. To facilitate that each talk has been possibly overallocated time by about 25%. So if you see yourself down for more time that you had planned for, don't worry. It will likely be filled. One should think of this meeting more in terms of a workshop even though at face value it looks very structured. It can, and should, be tuned to fit our needs as we work through the issues.

Draft Agenda

Saturday, September 28, 1996
9:00-9:30Upcoming Muon Tracking IsuesW. Kinnison
9:30-10:15Simulation Studies of Muon TrackingM. Brooks
10:30-11:00Station 1 R&D Results and PlansS. Klinksiek
11:00-11:30Station 2 R&D Results and PlansM. Brooks
11:30-12:00Muon Tracking Integration IssuesW. Sondheim
12:00-12:30Muon Magnet Mapping - Mapfest ReportM. Brooks
2:00-2:45Discussion of New Project & WBS for Muon TrackingW. Kinnison, et al.

Sunday, September 29, 1996
9:00-9:15Upcoming Simulation IssuesW. Kinnison
9:15-9:45Muon Arms SimulationsC. Maguire
9:45-10:30Muons in PEPS. Sorenson
10:45-11:15Beam Gas StudiesP. Kirk
11:15-12:00Trigger StudiesY. Watanabe
1:30-2:00Upcoming Muon ID IssuesW. Kinnison
2:00-2:30Previous Experiences with Iarocci TubesS. Held
2:30-3:00Kyoto R&D ReportK. Imai
3:00-3:30ORNL R&D ReportK. Read
3:00-4:15Tour of ORNL R&D ActivitiesK. Read
4:15-4:45Integration of Muon ID into RHICW. Sondheim
4:45-5:30Installation of Muon IDJ. Johnson/K. Read, et al.

Monday, September 30, 1996
9:00-9:45Upcoming FEE ReviewG. Young
9:45-10:45Muon Tracking System Layout and PlanJ. Halliwell
11:00-12:00Continue Discussion of Muon Tracking Electronics PlanJ. Halliwell, et al.
1:30-2:30Muon ID FEE DesignDiscussion
2:45-3:45Planning for Upcoming Design Reviews - Assignment of TasksW. Kinnison, et al.
3:45-5:00Discussion of New Project and WBS for Muon IDW. Kinnison, et al.

Last Update: September 26, 1996
W. Wayne Kinnison, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545