Oak Ridge National Laboratory

September 28-30, 1996

Registration Information

Visitor badges are definitely REQUIRED for this meeting. You will not be admitted to meeting rooms or to visit the full-scale prototype without a valid visitors badge (really). For those outside users who may once have had pink badges, those are no longer valid and you will need to request a visitor badge. For local attendees with valid badges, please just send a brief note to Ken Read to indicate that you will be attending.

Please, provide the following visitor badge request information by Monday, September 16 at the latest (mentioning that this is in regard to the Muon Arms meeting) via email to Jackie Smith with a copy of the email to Ken Read.

US Citizens need to provide:

Non-US Citizens need to provide:

Any citizens of DOE-sensitive countries (such as China, India, Russia) who wish to attend this meeting should immediately contact Ken Read. Unfortunately, the deadline has probably already passed to obtain badges for such guests.

All visitors must sign in on the Visitor Sign-In sheet that will be in the large conference room of Building 6008. Since the meeting begins on a weekend, we will hand you your badge upon arrival at Building 6008 on Saturday morning.

Last updated: 11 September 1996
Page created by K. Read, Oak Ridge National Laboratory