Student Program

The PANIC05 student program is intended to provide an enhanced conference experience for undergraduate and graduate students. Students will have the opportunity to present their research in a poster session to the larger professional community and to one another.

Students will attend the full conference. Events will include a dedicated poster session for the presentation of student research, introductions to hot topics discussed at the meeting, opportunities to converse with other students, faculty, and senior scientists, and other activities scheduled throughout the meeting to benefit undergraduate and graduate students.

Conference fee and lodging awards will be granted to a limited number of applicants. Students will be notified of their awards by September 2, 2005.

Enrollment in a course of undergraduate or graduate study in physics or a related field. Students requesting a waiver of the entire conference registration fee and/or housing costs must present their work in a regular oral or poster session, or at the special student poster session.

Please fill out this form

FAQ: frequently asked questions

Important dates
Application deadline: August 1, 2005
Award notification: September 2, 2005 (this is before the "reduced registration" date)

Another Undergraduate Conference Opportunity
Undergraduates who are unable or unwilling to attend PANIC05 may be interested in the Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU) associated with the fall 2005 meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics in Maui, Hawaii, September 18-22.

Last update 20 July 2005 - comments, questions to