Link to Circular #2
MSWord version of circular #1
Santa Fe, NM October 24-28, 2005

First Circular

Dear Colleague, We are very pleased to invite you to the XVIIth Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC) meeting that will be held October 24-28, 2005, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.  The program will address a broad range of topics involving strong and electro-weak interactions as they impact particle, nuclear, and astrophysics.  It will include both theoretical and experimental issues and the facilities needed to explore them.  Special attention will be devoted to recent discoveries and new directions of research in these fields.

I.  Scientific Program

The Scientific Program Committee will formulate the program of the Conference and will address the selection of topics and speakers who will make invited presentations in both plenary and parallel sessions. It is anticipated that the Scientific Program will include the following topics:      

  • Quark-Gluon Plasma
  • QCD, Quark Confinement, Chiral Symmetry
  • Hadrons, Nuclei, Hypernuclei, and their Properties
  • Flavor Physics
  • Lattice Gauge Calculations
  • Superstring Theory and Higher Dimensions
  • Fundamental Symmetries and Conservation Laws
  • Neutrino and Muon Physics
  • Fundamental Interactions in Atomic and Neutron Physics
  • Physics Beyond the Standard Model
  • Search for New Particles
  • Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Cosmic Rays and Space-Based Physics
  • Future Accelerator Facilities, Detectors, and Experimental Techniques

The Program Committee will do its work over the next ten months.  Suggestions for presentations at the Conference should be directed to the PANIC Scientific Program committee, c/o Peter D. Barnes (

II.  Venue and Organization

The conference hotel will be the Santa Fe Hilton. Plenary sessions will be held nearby in the Sweeney Convention Center, while parallel sessions will be held at both facilities. The conference will also include a poster session, receptions, a banquet, and computer facilities.

The Co-Chairmen for the Conference are Peter D. Barnes and Martin D. Cooper of Los Alamos National Laboratory.  The International Advisory Committee and the Local Organizing Committee are listed below.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics is sponsoring PANIC at Santa Fe in 2005. To secure IUPAP sponsorship, the organizers have provided assurance that PANIC 05 will be conducted in accordance with IUPAP principles as stated in the ICSU-Document "Universality of Science" (sixth edition, 1989) regarding the free circulation of scientists for international purposes. In particular, no bona fide scientist will be excluded from participation on the grounds of national origin, nationality, or political considerations unrelated to science.

The program structure of the conference can be found at the conference web site:

III.  Abstracts

Presentations in the parallel sessions will be selected from abstracts submitted by the Conference participants.  Instructions for submission of these abstracts are posted on the conference web site. The deadline for receiving these abstracts is August  1, 2005.

IV.  Registration and Accommodations

The registration process is being managed by Complete Conference Coordinators, Inc. and can  be accessed at the conference web site.

The registration fee for the conference will be $450 (U.S. dollars), until September 12, and will cover coffee breaks, computing access, the conference banquet, and the conference proceedings. It will not include accommodations and excursions related to the social program. The late registration fee (after September 12) will be $525 (U.S. dollars).

Blocks of rooms have been reserved for conference participants at three hotels at reduced conference rates.  The hotels are within walking distance of the Sweeney Convention Center, the conference hotel, and local restaurants. These blocks of hotel rooms will be held until September 12, 2005.

A companion's program and conference excursions are being organized and will appear on the conference web site.
The registration process will give participants an opportunity to register at the hotels, to order excursion tickets, and to indicate an interest in the companion's program as will be described in detail in the Conference Circular #2 and on the conference web site.

V.  Travel and U.S. Visas

The southwestern part of the United States is renowned for its scenic beauty and cultural attractions. Because of the large distances between cities, automobile travel to Santa Fe can require substantial commitments in time.  Most participants will choose to fly to the city of Albuquerque, N.M. and then travel by commercial shuttle or rental car to Santa Fe (60 minutes). Specific travel advice will be added to the conference web site.

For the past two years, international travel to the United States has become significantly more awkward because of the visa process now in place.  The service at individual U.S. embassies and consulates seems to vary considerably.  Although the American Physical Society and the American Academy of Science have brought this problem to the attention of the  U. S. State Department, the slow response of the system appears to continue.  We strongly recommend that international conference participants applying for US visas, should start the process as soon as possible, even nine months in advance of the conference. We will attempt to monitor this process and suggest that individuals who are encountering difficulties should contact Joseph Onstott (e-mail, tel. 01-(505)-665-9124, fax 01-(505)-665-3644).

Participation by students, young physicists, and physicists from developing countries will be strongly encouraged at this Conference. Details on an evolving program to provide some travel support and help with the registration fee for these individuals will be described in the Conference Circular #2.

VI.  Banquet and Social Program

The program of the conference will reserve Wednesday afternoon, October 26, for conference outings and personal time.  The conference banquet will be held the evening of Thursday, October 27, 2004.  Details regarding the scheduling and the sale of tickets for these events will be provided in PANIC Circular #2 which will be distributed in March 2005.

VII. Communications

Individuals interested in attending the conference can obtain additional information and can register at the conference web site  Special inquiries should be directed by e-mail to or by contacting Josephine Roybal (phone: 505/665-1482, fax: 505/665-7920). 

VIII. Important Dates and Deadlines

Start of Conference Registration    January 2005
Applications for US Visas           January 2005
Conference Circular #2              March 2005
Deadline for Abstracts              August 1, 2005
Registration (reduced rate) before  September 12, 2005
Hotel Registration (conference rates) before    September 12, 2005

IX.   Satellite Meetings

The following satellite meetings and long-range planning workshops are being organized around PANIC for the convenience of the participants.  Additional groups and collaborations seeking meeting space should contact Martin Cooper ( so that we can reserve meeting rooms.

        A.  RHIC Planning Meeting 

      A two-day satellite meeting immediately following PANIC, October 29-30, is being organized to present the status of the RHIC II and eRHIC projects. The meeting will provide an overview of the exciting physics opportunities and the accelerator challenges these two projects present to the wider nuclear physics community.

The site of the meeting will be the Hilton Hotel in Santa Fe. Information about registration and scientific agenda will soon be made available; please check the PANIC web site.

Organizers:  S. Aronson (Chair), A. Deshpande (Co-Chair), D. Kharzeev, D. Lowenstein, T. Ludlam, S. Mioduszewski, T. Roser, P. Steinberg, T. Ullrich, R. Venugopalan, W. Vogelsang

        B.   Neutrino physics planning Meeting

A two day planning meeting is being organized to discuss future directions in neutrino physics.  The meeting will follow PANIC05 and will be held in Santa Fe at the Hilton Hotel on October 29-30, 2005.The meeting will provide the physics community  with an overview of the exciting physics opportunities in neutrino physics and a discussion of possible new experiments.

Organizers: Y. Efremenko (Co-Chair), S. Elliott, K. Heeger, A. Hime, K. Lesko (Co-Chair), W. Louis (Chair), H. Murayama, G. Mills, A. Poon, R. Van de Water

More details can be found at the PANIC website: Information about registration and the scientific agenda will soon be made available.

Additional groups and collaborations seeking meeting space during the conference should contact Martin Cooper ( ) so that we can reserve meeting rooms.


Mark your calendars for PANIC05 on October 23-28 ,2005. Currently there are a series of new results and tantalizing questions that are developing in our nuclear, particle and astro-physics research.  The PANIC meeting with its broad physics scope and diverse participants should provide an excellent opportunity to explore these issues in Santa Fe next fall. We look forward to discussing these new results and ideas with you there.

With best regards,

Peter D. Barnes   Martin Cooper

Local Organizing Committee:
P.D. Barnes (LANL)                    B. Bassalleck  (UNM)
M. Cooper (LANL) R. Eisenstein
B. Gibson (LANL) T. Goldman (LANL)                   
M. Johnson (LANL) E. Kinney (U of Colorado)                  
G. Kyle (NMSU) D. Lee (LANL)                         
W. Louis (LANL) R. Van de Water (LANL)             
A. Palounek (LANL)   S. Penttila (LANL)
S. Wilburn (LANL)     H. van Hecke (LANL)

International Advisory Committee:
H. Arfaei (Tehran)                      S. Aronson (BNL)
D. Ashery (Tel Aviv)                    P. D. Barnes (LANL)
C. Baltay (Yale)                            A. Bettini (INFN-Gran Sasso)           
J. Bjorken (SLAC)                       H. Chen (IHEP/Bejing)
F. Close (Oxford)                           M. Cooper (LANL)
M. Davier (LAL-Orsay)                   E. DeSanctis (INFN-Frascati)   
D. Dubbers (ILL-Geneva)                 R. Eichler (PSI-Zurich)        
T. Ericson (CERN/Uppsala)               D. Geesaman (Argonne)          
C. K. Gelbke (Michigan State)           G. Hanson (UC-Riverside)               
W. Haxton (U of Washington)             Z. X. He (CAS-Bejing)                  
W. Henning (GSI-Darmstadt)              W.-Y.P. Hwang (Taiwan)         
K. Imai (Kyoto)                         B. K. Jain (Mumbai)                    
R. Klanner (DESY-Hamburg)               S. Kullander (Uppsala)
T.D. Lee (Columbia)                       C. Leemann (JLab)      
V.M. Lobashev (INR-Moscow)              A. Magnon (CEA-Saclay)
D. Marlow (Princeton)                     J. Matthews (MIT)      
A. McDonald (Queen's University)              D-P. Min (Seoul)
S. Nagamiya (KEK-Ibaraki)               T. Otsuka (JCNP-Tokyo)
P. Paul (BNL/Stoney Brook)                K. Peach (Rutherford)  
I.A. Savin (JINR-Dubna)                 B. Schoch (Bonn)       
Y.M. Shatunov (BINR-Novosibirsk)            I. Shipsey (Purdue)    
A. Shotter (TRIUMF-Vancouver)           F. Takasaki (KEK-Ibaraki)
A. Thomas (Jlab)                            H. Toki (RCNP-Osaka)
G. Trilling (Lawrence Berkeley)         W. Weise (Munich)      
F. Wilczek (MIT)                            M. Witherell (Fermilab)
S. Wojcicki (Stanford)                  G. Young (ORNL)
W. Zajc (Columbia)  

Link to circular #2