Satellite Meetings

The following satellite meetings and long-range planning workshops are being organized around PANIC05 for the convenience of the participants. Additional groups and collaborations seeking meeting space should contact Martin Cooper ( so that we can reserve meeting rooms.

  1. Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC
    A one-day meeting will be held immediately preceding the start of the PANIC conference to explore the physics opportunities that will be provided by the start of LHC heavy ion operation in 2008. The meeting will be held Sunday, October 23 at the Hilton Hotel in Santa Fe. The details of the meeting program are available at the web site:

    Organizers: T. Awes, R. Betts, B. Cole (co-chair), G. Odyniec, H. Takai, I. Vitev, B. Wyslouch (co-chair)

    A workshop fee of $70 workshop fee will cover fixed conference organization expenses as well as coffee and cookies during breaks.

  2. RHIC Planning Meeting

    A two-day satellite meeting immediately following PANIC05, October 29-30, is being organized to present the status of the RHIC II and eRHIC projects. The meeting will provide an overview of the exciting physics opportunities and the accelerator challenges these two projects present to the wider nuclear physics community.

    Here is the home page of this meeting

    The site of the meeting will be the Hilton Hotel in Santa Fe. Information about registration and scientific agenda will soon be made available; please check the PANIC05 web site.

    Organizers: S. Aronson (Chair), A. Deshpande (Co-Chair), D. Kharzeev, D. Lowenstein, T. Ludlam, S. Mioduszewski, T. Roser, P. Steinberg, T. Ullrich, R. Venugopalan, W. Vogelsang

    Cost: $75. You can register for this meeting on the Registration web pages.

  3. Neutrino physics planning Meeting

    A two-day planning meeting is being organized to discuss future directions in neutrino physics. The meeting will follow PANIC05 and will be held in Santa Fe at the Hilton Hotel on October 29-30, 2005.The meeting will provide the physics community with an overview of the exciting physics opportunities in neutrino physics and a discussion of possible new experiments.

    Organizers: Y. Efremenko (Co-Chair), S. Elliott, K. Heeger, A. Hime, K. Lesko (Co-Chair), W. Louis (Chair), H. Murayama, G. Mills, A. Poon, R. Van de Water

    Cost: $75. You can register for this meeting on the Registration web pages.

    To the Neutrino Meeting page

Last update 1 June 2005 - comments, questions to