Throw 10k events from z=0, each with a single 5GeV muon,
into a 35° cone to the North. The plot shows the (non-zero) number
of ifvtx layers hit. We are interested in 3 or
more hits on a track - the blue area. The sum of the entries is 582.
We have to correct for a 12° hole in the acceptance (~12%), so
6.6% of tracks in the muon acceptance hit >=3 layers.
| |
layer hit: layer 9-10 == station 1-4 | |
Same events for the FVTX.
The plot shows the (non-zero) number
of fvtx layers hit. We are interested in 3 or
more hits on a track - the green area. The sum of the entries is 4716.
So when making comparisons between the FVTX and the IFVTX, the acceptance ratio
is 582/4716 = 12.3% (of the North-arm accaptance alone).