Cable geometry checks- revised

Cable checks done in May 2010.
Revised versions for cables for station 0 and 1 were checked. There are 2 sets of files: Roger Smith's (HYTEC) original engineering drawings (which I have in pdf format), and Dave Lauderdale's (UNM) drawings, also in pdf format. I import both into Gimp at a resolution of 100 px/in, and overlay them to check the dimensions. At this resolution, this check is good to 1 px, which is about .025 mm. The *.xcf files are the native Gimp format, where you can turn the different layers off and on to see how good the correspondence is.

In the drawings below, Roger's cables are in gray, and Dave's are in light blue for the outline, and red for the connector solder masks.

You can click on the drawings to get the full size

Station 0 type 1 (3201) 3201_both_dec10.xcf


Station 0 type 2 (3202) 3202_both_dec10.xcf


Station 0 type 3 (3203) 3203_both_dec10.xcf


Station 0 type 4 (3204) 3204_both_dec10.xcf


Station 1 type 1 (3301) 3301_both_dec10.xcf

version 2 (20 May): OK

Station 1 type 2 (3302) 3302_both_dec10.xcf


Station 1 type 3 (3303) 3303_both_dec10.xcf

Station 1 type 4 (3304) 3304_both_dec10.xcf


Dec 8 2010 Hubert van Hecke