freezer runs

Go to: run 2
run 3
run 4
run 5
run 6
run 7
run 8
run 9
run 10
run 11 pp at 45 GeV Ecm
run 12 pp at 53 GeV Ecm
run 13
run 14 Bernd EOS #??
run 15 Bernd EOS #??
(these runs are further down on this page)
Last update: 29 Oct 97 16:30

RUN 002, Sep 8,9 1997

Here is the input parameter file
Files used: pi+ singles, K+ singles, p+pairs, pi-pairs.

RUN 003, Sep 17 1997

Here is the input parameter file
Files used: pi+ singles, K+ singles, p+pairs, pi-pairs, (same as for run 002).
Here is the complete log file. From that file, he best point is:
 Total chi^2 =  2200.0832258958
 chi^2/d.o.f =  1.09022954702468
 Probability of perfect model =  2.598157455984717E-03

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9172000
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =   89.1540624 +/-  10.7406417 MeV
 vT/c =     .5240703 +/-    .0865532
  et0 =    1.8758707 +/-   1.1032839
muB/T =    4.7511487 +/-   2.2679720
  tau =   10.0228409 +/-   3.9937278 fm/c
    R =   11.0210157 +/-   1.4928521 fm
   aT =    -.0735064 +/-    .7969878
  lam =     .5863280 +/-    .0672217

 Calculated Quantities:
 vs/c =     .9941667 +     .0000000     .0000000
 vL/c =     .9541234 +     .0407214    -.3056923
  muB =  423.5842038 +  126.5036827 -169.6470697 MeV
   t1 =    9.6474389 +    3.3384087   -5.1099395 fm/c
   t3 =   33.4748901 +   48.9494066  -18.3320313 fm/c
 WARNING: ITMAX exceeded in amoeba2
t2-t1 =     .3754020 +    6.5796591    -.3754020 fm/c
 dtau =    1.8063586 +    6.3044594   -2.8894995 fm/c
   z3 =   31.9391754 +   50.2665640  -21.6622066 fm
  muS =   29.1389252 +   28.1835668  -19.4548498 MeV
  muI =   -2.4691639 +    1.6553135   -3.0460694 MeV
 Bar# =   41.7205250 +   78.8954651  -30.4463398
Bproj =   20.8602625 +   39.4477326  -15.2231699
Btarg =   20.8602625 +   39.4477326  -15.2231699
brdn1 =    .00425755 +    .01220816   -.00275563 fm^-3
brdn2 =    .00410803 +    .00398629   -.00238532 fm^-3

RUN 004, Sep 17,18 97

This one was the same data set as run 003, but with error bars on the singles forced equal on a log scale, to see if the slopes would come out better.
Here is the input parameter file, which is identical to the 003 run.
Files used: pi+ singles, K+ singles, (errors changed from 002, 003), p+pairs, pi-pairs (same as 002,003).
Here is the complete log file. From that file, he best point is:
 Total chi^2 =  1778.073427064439
 chi^2/d.o.f =  .8763299295536912
 Probability of perfect model =  .9999796677857402

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9172000
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =   81.3517317 +/-  13.2606103 MeV
 vT/c =     .5776417 +/-    .1472971
  et0 =    1.8441346 +/-    .9923328
muB/T =    5.8959335 +/-   3.2235066
  tau =   12.9461980 +/-   5.1585422 fm/c
    R =   11.6609599 +/-   1.6625828 fm
   aT =    -.4986597 +/-    .4696453
  lam =     .6128164 +/-    .0801392

 Calculated Quantities:
 vs/c =     .9941667 +     .0000000     .0000000
 vL/c =     .9511905 +     .0419576    -.2591809
  muB =  479.6443980 +  165.7723018 -225.9897493 MeV
   t1 =    9.1666055 +    3.7594605   -6.3358354 fm/c
   t3 =   41.9507808 +   47.1630627  -20.5271649 fm/c
t2-t1 =    3.7795925 +    9.6003720   -3.6354408 fm/c
 dtau =    5.4635857 +    8.6866282   -4.1200523 fm/c
   z3 =   39.9031824 +   48.3636862  -24.5207586 fm
  muS =   35.3403362 +   52.3112151  -28.6719180 MeV
  muI =   -2.9005101 +    2.4075098   -7.1196337 MeV
 Bar# =   55.3053770 +  213.8606077  -45.9158301
Bproj =   27.6526885 +  106.9303039  -22.9579151
Btarg =   27.6526885 +  106.9303039  -22.9579151
brdn1 =    .00536662 +    .03108358   -.00444265 fm^-3
brdn2 =    .00369691 +    .01285448   -.00294275 fm^-3

Here is the evolution of the parameters versus iteration:

RUN 005

This one was the same data set as run 004, but with error bars on the singles 1/4 of what they were on run 004.
Here is the input parameter file, which has as input the output values from run 004.
Files used: pi+ singles, K+ singles, (errors changed from 002, 003), p+pairs, pi-pairs (same as 002,003).
Here is the complete log file. From that file, he best point is:


 Total chi^2 =  2650.344467409264
 chi^2/d.o.f =  1.30623187156691
 Probability of perfect model =  2.427970617562861E-19

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9172000
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =   88.0749915 +/-  12.5109352 MeV
 vT/c =     .5587841 +/-    .0994960
  et0 =    1.8697950 +/-   1.0471382
muB/T =    4.3642801 +/-   3.0582565
  tau =    9.8342649 +/-   4.3294705 fm/c
    R =   11.0914631 +/-   1.6310453 fm
   aT =     .0410438 +/-    .8819925
  lam =     .5727065 +/-    .0671431

 Calculated Quantities:
 vs/c =     .9941667 +     .0000000     .0000000
 vL/c =     .9535755 +     .0405881    -.2770622
  muB =  384.3839341 +  180.5316795 -244.0191154 MeV
   t1 =   10.0340531 +    3.2453745   -3.0651924 fm/c
   t3 =   32.6552751 +   39.9427521  -16.6392593 fm/c
 WARNING: ITMAX exceeded in amoeba2
t2-t1 =     .1997883 +    2.7128800    -.1997883 fm/c
 dtau =    1.5128926 +    7.5622605   -2.8536092 fm/c
   z3 =   31.1392714 +   40.9332066  -19.7911830 fm
  muS =   20.0836201 +   38.1775792  -16.9462500 MeV
  muI =   -1.5760678 +    1.3189215   -4.0126494 MeV
 Bar# =   24.5161148 +   82.1133405  -20.8646577
Bproj =   12.2580574 +   41.0566703  -10.4323289
Btarg =   12.2580574 +   41.0566703  -10.4323289
brdn1 =    .00236400 +    .01107492   -.00190462 fm^-3
brdn2 =    .00241207 +    .00493278   -.00186722 fm^-3

Here is the evolution of the parameters versus iteration:

Several technical issues concerning runs 2-5 were fixed.

RUN 006

This one was ...

RUN 007

New pi+ and K+ input files, with kT in column 2. Here is the input parameter file.
This is the complete log file, with the best point shown here:


 Total chi^2 =  2068.570225832924
 chi^2/d.o.f =  1.01950232914388
 Probability of perfect model =  .2651235498083625

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9172000
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =  109.2261733 +/-  11.3869531 MeV
 vT/c =     .5465674 +/-    .0842201
  et0 =    4.9536218 +/-   1.0296980
muB/T =    1.8192319 +/-   3.2280879
  tau =   10.0693106 +/-   2.7229680 fm/c
    R =   10.2318757 +/-   1.4095665 fm
   aT =    -.7203386 +/-    .3193283
  lam =     .6810124 +/-    .0688779

Now for some comments...

RUN 008

I got a K- file from Michael. 3 Oct 97. Here is the input parameter file.
This is the complete log file, with the best point shown here:

 Here is the BEST point !

 Total chi^2 =  2484.475403123262
 chi^2/d.o.f =  1.06859157123581
 Probability of perfect model =  1.081068643462903E-02

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9172000
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =   97.4976145 +/-   3.6718998 MeV
 vT/c =     .6449587 +/-    .0381822
  et0 =    2.8558611 +/-   2.1728179
muB/T =    4.4271434 +/-    .3132801
  tau =   11.0626106 +/-   1.9794305 fm/c
    R =   12.2124798 +/-   1.4931973 fm
   aT =    -.4144854 +/-    .4356278
  lam =     .7009970 +/-    .0755928

Here is the evolution of the parameters versus iteration:

RUN 009

15 Oct 97. Fixed up a few details in the trailing decimal places of Y, the pi and K mass. Also output kt to the files as 1pe16.6. In the pairs, change the ellipsoid acceptance in Q-space to a 100 MeV sphere. Renamed old files to pip008.cor and pim008.cor. Here are the new pairs files: pi+, and pi-.
Here are the new pi+, K+, and K-, singles files.

Here is the input parameter file.
This is the complete log file, with the best point shown here:

 Here is the BEST point !

 Total chi^2 =  4059.590121781665
 chi^2/d.o.f =  1.82617639306418
 Probability of perfect model =  1.132583283762988E-110

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9133600
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =  107.7725581 +/-   4.7494066 MeV
 vT/c =     .6874242 +/-    .0411258
  et0 =    1.3591735 +/-    .4035332
muB/T =    7.0364416 +/-    .2907355
  tau =   13.7627251 +/-   3.1079351 fm/c
    R =   13.8736359 +/-   1.7969432 fm
   aT =    -.2121673 +/-    .4051455
  lam =     .7328811 +/-    .0941394

It turns out that due to the two different behaviors of the '1P' edit descriptor in the output format, the cross sections were a factor 10 too large. ignore this run

RUN 010

3 Nov 97. Fixed the formats in xx_convert010.kumac. Here are the files now for single pi+, K+ and K-. These are the pi+ and pi- pairs files.
Here is the input parameter file.

Here is the complete log file, and this is the best point from run 10:

 Here is the BEST point !

 Total chi^2 =  2399.745783828456
 chi^2/d.o.f =  1.07950777500156
 Probability of perfect model =  4.750309113636794E-03

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9133600
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =   97.6856778 +/-   3.6240752 MeV
 vT/c =     .6422318 +/-    .0388430
  et0 =    3.0274715 +/-   2.3138305
muB/T =    4.4120854 +/-    .3072589
  tau =   11.0238382 +/-   1.9513367 fm/c
    R =   12.1437446 +/-   1.4855841 fm
   aT =    -.4392822 +/-    .4210797
  lam =     .7013181 +/-    .0760765

Using this plotfrz input file, I got the following plots:
pi+ postscript
K+ postscript
K- postscript

RUN 011

18 Nov 97 pp at 45 GeV Ecm from Alper

RUN 012

18 Nov 97 pp at 53 GeV Ecm from Alper

RUN 013

18 Nov 97. Same as run 10, except that the low-pt points of the K- spectrum are not used. It would take some more work to get these smoothed out. Here are the files now for single pi+, K+ and K-. These are the pi+ and pi- pairs files.
Here is the input parameter file.

Here is the complete log file, and this is the best point from run 13:

 Here is the BEST point !

 Total chi^2 =  2167.08898864524
 chi^2/d.o.f =  1.01789055361449
 Probability of perfect model =  .2774391964874108

 Fixed parameters:
  ycm =   2.9133600
   fs =   1.0000000
 lamK =   1.0000000
normpi=   1.0000000
normK =   1.0000000

 Variable parameters:
    T =   95.3957799 +/-   3.5266607 MeV
 vT/c =     .6555016 +/-    .0363092
  et0 =    3.8797202 +/-    .8504497
muB/T =    4.7139807 +/-    .3286298
  tau =   12.5687384 +/-   2.2252282 fm/c
    R =   11.4079766 +/-   1.4089314 fm
   aT =    -.7041592 +/-    .2596383
  lam =     .7006332 +/-    .0737855

 Calculated Quantities:
 vs/c =     .9941219 +     .0000000     .0000000
 vL/c =     .9991470 +     .0006973    -.0038117
  muB =  449.6938666 +   20.4284325  -20.8615881 MeV
   t1 =    6.8362936 +    2.3717766   -4.2643491 fm/c
   t3 =  304.3603217 +  452.9399985 -182.4860763 fm/c
t2-t1 =    5.7324447 +    5.3741337   -2.8406328 fm/c
 dtau =    7.4060118 +    4.3524071   -2.4488403 fm/c
   z3 =  304.1006942 +  453.0785602 -182.8508367 fm
  muS =   42.4901925 +    5.9045185   -5.4682577 MeV
  muI =   -4.1057459 +     .6612199    -.7397983 MeV
 Bar# =  283.7074138 +   91.5093593  -75.4319978
Bproj =  141.8537069 +   45.7546796  -37.7159989
Btarg =  141.8537069 +   45.7546796  -37.7159989
brdn1 =    .01785744 +    .03120322   -.00665947 fm^-3
brdn2 =    .00922878 +    .00286935   -.00229689 fm^-3

Using this plotfrz input file, I got the following plots:
pi+ postscript
K+ postscript
K- postscript

(I'm now working on trying to display the correlation functions)

postscript version

RUN 014

19 December 97. A run using MC data sets from Bernd. Here are the inputs: singles pi+, pi-, K+, K-, and pairs pi+, pi-, K+, K-, and these were the input parameters. This run was with no systematic errors, and resulted in a bad chi**2. See the log file.

RUN 015

19 December 97. Same as run 14, but with added 10% systematic errors, see the input parameter file. See the log file. (note that the input files had an implicit efficiency of 90% in it.

RUN 016

6 Jan 1998. Same as run 15, but to compensate for the implicit efficiency, the input Z and A are reduced by a factor of 0.9.
See the input parameter file. See the log file.