97.6856778 .6422318 3.0274715 |T, vT/c, et0 4.4120854 11.0238382 12.1437446 |muB/T, tau, R -.4392822 2.9172000 1. |aT, ycm, fs .7013181 1. 39.7892979 -3.8566707 |lampi, lamK, muS, muI 1. 1. 1. |normpi, normK, normp 0 1 1 1 0 0 |Plot inv dist: pi-,pi+,K+,K-,pro,pbar 2.7 1500. 24 |y, mTmax (MeV), npT 0 1 0 0 1 0 |Plot dN/dy: pi-,pi+,K+,K-,pro,pbar 0. 6. 15 |ymin, ymax, ny 0 0 0 0 |Plot corr: pi-,pi+,K+,K- 0 0 0 |1D plot vs. qside,qout,qz -100. 100. 20 |qmin, qmax, nq 0 |2D plot of outlong -150. 150. 0. 150. 60 30 |q1min, q1max, q2min, q2max, nq1, nq2 1.5 500. 0. 0. 0. |Y, KT, qside, qout, qz 1.25 0. |Ymeas, rweak(cm) 2 1 0 3 |option (blank, gev, pt, lcms) 2 1 1 3 3 5 18 8 4 3 |n1 - 1-part dist. integration points 5 5 18 8 4 3 |n2 - 2-part dist. integration points EXPLANATION OF INPUTS 1) The temperature T should be given in MeV. vT is the maximum radial expansion velocity, th(et0) is the maximum longitudinal exp. vel. 2) muB is the baryon chemical potential -- actual parameter is muB/T. tau is the proper time of freezeout along the beam axis (in fm/c). R is the maximum transverse radius of the source (in fm). 3) aT must be in the range -1 < aT < 1, it controls radial freezeout aT < 0 means outside to inside, aT > 0 means inside to outside ycm is the CM rapidity of the source (known for symmetric collisions). fs is a fudge factor to model incomplete strangeness chem equilibrium For complete chemical equilibrium, use a fixed value of fs=1. 4) lampi and lamK are the incoherence parameters for pions and kaons. muS and muI are the strangeness and isospin chemical potentials. 5) normpi, normK, and normp are normalizations for pion, kaon, and proton one-particle distributions. Default is to fix them at 1. 6) 1 (0) means plot (do not plot) the relevant invariant distribution. 7) y is the rapidity used for the above plots. npT+1 points are plotted between mT-m=0 and mT-m=mTmax. 8) 1 (0) means plot (do not plot) the relevant dN/dy. 9) ny+1 points are plotted between y=ymin and y=ymax. 10) 1 (0) means plot (do not plot) the relevant 2-particle correlations. 11) A 1 signifies the 1D projection to be plotted. 12) nq+1 points are plotted between qmin and qmax for the relevant q_i. 13) A 1 signifies to plot a 2D projection of out-long. 14) nq1+1 by nq2+1 points are plotted within the long (q1) and out (q2) limits. 15) Values of the other momenta to be used in correlation plots. 16) Ymeas identifies the measurement frame for qz (only when option(4) = +/- 2) rweak is a measure of how much weakly-decaying strange baryons contribute to the pi- distribution. For no contribution from these weak decays, set rweak=0. To only include weak decays which occur within 5cm transversally of the beam line, set rweak=5. For 10cm, rweak=10. Setting rweak>100. effectively includes pi- from all weak decays. rweak = -1. suppresses all resonances, considers only direct pi, K, p. 17) option(1) is not used in this program option(2) determines units used for invariant distribution plots = 0 MeV = 1 GeV momenta for correlation data are always assumed to be in MeV. option(3) determines what is plotted in invariant distributions = 0 abcissa is mT-m, ordinate is Ed^3N/dp^3 = 1 abcissa is pT, ordinate is d^2N/(dydpT) option(4) determines what is meant by qz = 1 qz is y1-y2 = 2 qz is qlong in the measurement frame defined by Ymeas = 3 qz is qlong in the LCMS frame negatives of these mean to average over the relative sign of qz. 18) Number of 1-part dist. integration points for y, x, eta, mTres, yres, Minv mTres and yres are mT and rapidity of resonances decaying into pi,K,p. Minv is the inv. mass of other 2 products in 3-body decay. 19) Analagous number of 2-part dist. integration points. My experience has shown that for AGS energies 2 4 9 7 3 2 |n1 - 1-part dist. integration points 4 4 9 7 3 2 |n2 - 2-part dist. integration points is quick and fairly accurate 3 5 11 8 4 3 |n1 - 1-part dist. integration points 5 5 11 8 4 3 |n2 - 2-part dist. integration points is a good accurate workhorse 4 6 12 9 5 4 |n1 - 1-part dist. integration points 6 6 12 9 5 4 |n2 - 2-part dist. integration points is slow but very accurate while for SPS energies more eta integration points are needed, namely 2 4 14 7 3 2 |n1 - 1-part dist. integration points 4 4 14 7 3 2 |n2 - 2-part dist. integration points is quick and fairly accurate 3 5 18 8 4 3 |n1 - 1-part dist. integration points 5 5 18 8 4 3 |n2 - 2-part dist. integration points is a good accurate workhorse 4 6 22 9 5 4 |n1 - 1-part dist. integration points 6 6 22 9 5 4 |n2 - 2-part dist. integration points is slow but very accurate For RHIC energies, probably even more points will be needed for the eta integration. One check as to whether enough integration points are being used is to look at the proton dn/dy. An insufficient number of data points can lead to unphysical bumps and wiggles. The output files are as follows: c Plots of Ed^3N/dp^3 (or d^2N/(dydpT)) for fixed y c fort.11 = pi- c fort.12 = pi+ c fort.13 = K+ c fort.14 = K- c fort.15 = protons c fort.16 = pbar c fort.20 = pi+/pi- c c Plots of dN/dy as a function of y c fort.21 = pi- c fort.22 = pi+ c fort.23 = K+ c fort.24 = K- c fort.25 = protons c fort.26 = pbar c c Plots of 1D correlations c side out long c pi- fort.31 fort.41 fort.51 c pi+ fort.32 fort.42 fort.52 c K+ fort.33 fort.43 fort.53 c K- fort.34 fort.44 fort.54 c c Plots of out-long correlation c pi- fort.71 c pi+ fort.72 c K+ fort.73 c K- fort.74