The links from the items in the "jobs to be done" column give more details
(in some cases) about the problems.
Item number
| Job to be done
| Who is doing is?
| Status
| Improve calibrations, both pedestals and "mip" peaks.
Pedestals from calibration runs?
Pedestals from later runs?
better mip peaks
| Sangsu, Yonsei
| Working
| Verification of the calibration and analysis chain.
a) team at LANL should run the code and attempt to themselves
calibrate the exact same run that SangSu is using.
b) team makes dN/deta from that run and compares with SangSu's.
c) team at LANL should select another run and calibrate it,
making min bias dN/deta from it too and comparing to the one
from step (b).
d) make dN/deta separately for different vertex bins
| Sangsu, Matt, Jane
| working
| Verification of the dN/deta scale
| Jane
| Mostly done
| Understanding of outstanding problems/questions in analysis
a) Why does the multiplicity distribution have a long tail.
Possibly solved by item 1.
b) Why is there a "kink" in the pad dN/deta at eta = -2.5 (and maybe +2.5)
c) Verify mapping (i.e. translation of packet number to physical location)
d) Verification of geometry (I think the pad detector geometry
is oversimplified in the analysis -- not sure if it matters)
e) Are dead channels dealt with correctly?
| Sangsu, probably LANL
| working on some of this
| More work on dN/deta algorithm from strips.
| Sangsu
| working
| Simulations:
a) Does the analysis correctly reconstruct dN/deta input?
b) magnitude (fraction of signal) of background (vs. eta, for pads and strips, etc)
c) main source of background in the strips? in the strips?
| John
| working
| start reporting to the PWG
a) Sangsu to report August 29
b) The LANL team should make a plot of the results of steps
2(b) and 2(c) to demonstrate reproducibility
c) report on the result of step 2(d).
d) decide where to truncate pad results in eta.
| Sangsu initially, others later
| working
| Switch from "preco" to "Fun4All" (old to new framework)
| Jane
| working
| dN/deta vs. centrality (shape and magnitude)
a) implement centrality selection as done by Sean+Sasha for the
preliminary R_dA results
b) check strips vs. pads for each centrality bin. decide how best
to make a combined dN/deta distribution
c) make a plot with all four distributions together
d) Use the Glauber calculation in the centralty analysis note
to predict where the eta distribution should peak for each bin.
e) compare to predictions from Kopeliovich and Kharzeev
| Matt (4a), others
| working on some of this
| Add dN/deta from BBC to the results of 5 to extend eta
range. Sasha Milov volunteered to work on calibration to get
absolute yield from BBC. Probably the best strategy is to add
this when Matt gets back to Stony Brook.
| Sasha M, Matt
| not sure