Verification of dN/deta scale -- details

Jane has essentially finished this -- except (possibly) for refinements in the text of the analysis note. Look here for her draft analysis note. See the section "Integrated Minimum Bias ...", documenting what she has so far to determine dN/deta after integrating the charged spectrum in minimum bias 200 GeV d-Au events.

In addition Jane wrote the following:

(begin text from Jane)

This is a group-writable directory and webpage, so please feel free to modify it by incorporating any work-in-progress plots and/or notes that you find appropriate to this analysis. For instance, it would be nice to incorporate Sang Su's comparison plot using the latest number I determine at the end of the note above (if you agree with what I've done).

All code I used is described in the document and is in the CVS repository in offline/analysis/yields/charged. I tried to keep the main directory as general as possible (called "yields"), so that one can add subdirectories as appropriate (for instance, "identified", etc.).

(end text from Jane)

updated August 15, 2003
John P. Sullivan