A Mutiplicity Vertex Detector
for the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC

Ju Hwan Kang
Yonsei University

Quark Matter 97
Tsukuba, Japan
December, 1997

  1. page 1 Title.
  2. page 2 MVD Group.
  3. page 3 MVD Color Picture.
  4. page 4 Physics Goal and Design Goal.
  5. page 5 MVD Key Parameters.
  6. page 6 Silicon Strip Detector.
  7. page 7 AGS Beam Test.
  8. page 8 AGS Beam Test Data .
  9. page 9 3D Vertex Finding in the MVD.
  10. page 10 New 3D Capability.
  11. page 11 Double Metal Pad Detector.
  12. page 12 Pad Detector Source Test Setup.
  13. page 13 Source Test Results.
  14. page 14 Front-end Electronics.
  15. page 15 More on Electronics.
  16. page 16 Prototype MVD.
  17. page 17 Some Pictures.
  18. page 18 Milestones.