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Oak Ridge National Lab and Los Alamos National Lab have been working on the development of a front-end electronics test stand, which will eventually be used to test a full MVD read-out chain.
As various electronics components become available at different times, the system must be flexible, and capable of mimicking the MVD electronics chain.
The first components that will be tested in the FEE test stand are the MVD interface modules (the data collection interface module or DCMIM, the trigger interface module or TIM, and the timing and control interface module or TCIM).
The interface modules are being designed at Oak Ridge National Lab. ORNL has also developed an interface module testing scheme which will be used in our test stand [ see Nance's note]. The purpose of the test stand is to check the functionalities of the interface modules.
At the time that we will have the interface modules to test, we will still not have all the components which compose the MVD read-out chain, like the PHENIX master timing and trigger system, PHENIX data collection modules, and the MVD multichip modules (MCM). All these components will be simulated with a simple PC based system, so that we can test the functionalities of the interface modules.

Below is the picture of the expected read-out chain including silicon detector, MCM, PHENIX standard modules (the DCM, master timer, master trigger), and the MVD interface modules. The dotted-line boxes delineate the TCIM, TIM and DCMIM.