MVD installation procedure

The (approved) year-1 installation procedure is here. Some details are updated in this version for year-2.

Overall summary:

The detector is assembled in the cleantent in bldg 510. It is then moved to bldg 1008 for installation in the IR. The complete installation takes around 1 week, including work that is done prior to lifting the MVD into position around the beam pipe -- the details of this time estimate depend on what fraction of the infrastructure (cooling, LV power, etc) has been disconnected, modified, removed, moved, etc since the previous installation. Almost all of this infrastructure work is done prior to moving the MVD into position around the beam pipe. The following procedure concentrates on the lifting procedure -- which is called the "installation" below.

Most significant safety issue: Possible damage to Be beam pipe. Solution: During the installation, the beam pipe will be protected by several inches of foam padding. Beam pipe vacuum should be isolated during the installation. In addition, as much of the work as possible will take place out of reach of the beam pipe (on a platform approximately 2.4 meters below the beam line). For details on the beam pipe protection, see the email message dated 7-June-2000 from Pete Kroon to phenix-dc-l (attached).

  • We strongly prefer to have a ladder which allows access to the central magnet bottom yoke from the West side of the carriage. We have shown that a relatively thin (and very careful) person can crawl from the east side of the access platform to the west, but it is difficult and involves some risk to the cabling. Eliminating this step does not save time because it makes the other steps more difficult.
    Time estimate: 1 hour.
    Items needed: a ladder
    Required assistance from PHENIX: retract the West carriage.
  • Install MVD Instaqllation Fixture on the MVD lift table. This items weighs about 20 pounds and needs to special equipment to move it. Four aluminum tubes, about 60 cm long, are attached to the lift table via pieces of threaded rod on one end of each tube. The support structure, which contains an adjustable table (for fine horizontal positioning on the MVD at the end) with a lab-jack (for fine up/down positioning) is then attached to the top of the four tubes. This is done by removing the support structure's top plate (held on by four bolts) and inserting a flat-head screw into the top of each tube. The top of the support structure is then replaced. Move the lab-jack to the "down" position and loosen all of the screws used to adjust the x-y position on the x-y table -- you want the MVD to be able to move horizontally.
    Time estimate: 1 hour.
    Items needed: hex key (i.e. Allen wrench), medium sized flat head screwdriver, the parts of the support structure
    Required assistance from PHENIX: retract the East carriage
  • Move the MVD into the IR and attach to support structure on top of lift table. Preferably, the MVD is moved into the IR completely assembled on the MVD Installation Fixture. In normal storage, the MVD is attached to the Installation Fixture which in turn is attached to an aluminum table with wheels. The Installation Fixture is attached to the rest of the table via 4 hex-screws on the bottom of the lifting fixture. If possible, the MVD should be lifted by crane to the top of the MVD electronics rack on the east side of the central magnet. From there it must be hand-carried to the support structure. We found that an 8-foot long 2x10 board makes a useful "ramp" from the top of the rack to the support structure. The MVD can slide along this ramp. Attach the lifting fixure to the support structure via the same 4 screws on the bottom of the lifting fixture.
    Time estimate: 4 hours.
    Items needed: hex keys (i.e. Allen wrenches), something to attach to the MVD in order to lift it with the crane (this does not exist as of 13-April-2001), an eight foot long 2x10 (or similar).
    Required assistance from PHENIX: a crane operator
  • The installation fixture is arranged so that the MVD is clam-shelled together and fully supported.
    Time estimate: 1 hour.
    Items needed: medium-sized flat screw-driver
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Attach water cooling connections to MVD endplates. There are eight of these connections. The are attached by tightening a (round) nut onto the protruding end of the cooling pipe. These are not attached to the water cooling lines yet. Secure cooling lines as well as you can with duct tape -- moving them around during the later steps can cause leaks.
    Time estimate: 1 hour.
    Items needed: big pair of pliers and/or vice-grips, the eight pieces which connect to the MVD, duct tape, a small tube of RTV may be useful.
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Attach cables to endplates. This is slow because a lot of effort is required to get the cables to stay flat against the endplates and the cables location is awkward. This procedure assumes the cables are already in place.
    Time estimate: 4 hours.
    Items needed: duct tape (helps to hold things in place)
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Attach eight air-ducts to MVD endplates. Use a small amount of RTV to seal the connections. Hold them in place with duct tape.
    Time estimate: 1 hour.
    Items needed: small tube of RTV, the air ducts, duct tape.
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Plug in the lift table and raise it the minimum amount needed to connect the 8 water lines to the cooling system. The minimum lift is important because we want to work as far as possible from the beam pipe. Before lifting, install the safety rails.
    Time estimate: 1 hour
    Items needed: a long extention cord, the safety rails for the lift table.
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Turn on the pumps and check for leaks. Repair as necessary. Turn off the pumps.
    Time estimate: 2 hours.
    Items needed: big pair of pliers and/or vice-grips, paper towels to clean up water leaks
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Lift the MVD into position slowly using the lift table. Stop about 10 cm below the actual height of the MVD. Adjust the horizontal position of the MVD as needed while lifting using the screws in the horizontal table. However, these screws should be left very loose after every position adjustment -- the lift table moves back and forth and some freedom of movement is need for for the MVD between the nosecones. Watch the cables, air ducts, and water lines very carefully. Make sure all connections (cables, water, air) are still in place. Unplug the lift table.
    Time estimate: 1 hour.
    Items needed: none
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Lift the MVD up the correct position to engage to spring-loaded clamps on the nosecones. Start at the south end. Push in the clamp, position the MVD, and let the clamp out to capture the pin at the bottom, south end of the MVD. Next, do the same on the north end. Engaging the clamps on the bottom is difficult. Reaching in from the top with a long thin piece of Alumimum (wrapped in duct tape to soften the edges), seems like the best approach.
    Time estimate: 1 hour.
    Items needed: flat-head screw driver to push in spring-loaded clamp, a piece of Aluminum approximately 0.3cm x 10cm x 40 cm (also for pushing in spring-loaded clamps).
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Slowly close the MVD around the beam pipe. Move the pieces on the lifting fixture to hold it closed if necessary. Starting at the south end, engage the string-loaded clamp around the pin on one side of the MCD, the do the same at the north end. Repeat this for the second side of the MVD.
    Time estimate: 1 hour
    Items needed: flat-head screw driver to push in spring-loaded clamp, hex wrench to move the pieces which hold the MVD closed.
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Remove the two aluminum pieces on the lifting fixture which capture the hinges on the end of the MVD. There are two of these, pieces, each held on by two hex screws on the inside of the lifting fixture. This step disconnects the MVD from the lift fixture.
    Time estimate: 1 hour
    Items needed: hex wrench
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Move the lab-jack down to completely disenagage it from the MVD. Plug in the lift table. Look very carefully at the two pedals, and move the lift table down.
    Time estimate: 1 hour
    Items needed: none
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none
  • Remove the safety rails and all other equipment from the IR.
    Time estimate: 1 hour
    Items needed: none
    Required assistance from PHENIX: none

    Lift fixtures:

  • A (not yet constructed) fixture to lift the MVD into the IR is required if the crane is used.
  • The crane should be used to lift the MVD into the IR -- is weighs about 20 pounds on its Instalaltion Fixture.
  • No certification for special lifting is required.

    Survey requirements:

  • The MVD is held by the MVD mount assemblies which are bolted to the central magnet nosecones. These items have been surveyed. No additional survey is required.

    Delivery of MVD to Bldg 1008:

  • The MVD is easily transported in a van, if it is not already stored in bldg 1008A.

    Testing following installation:

  • All MVD components will be tested prior to installation. Still, something may need attention during the final turn-on process. General electronics test equipment (such as an oscilloscope) may be needed near the MVD rack. Time estimate: 2 days. This is the real uncertainty in the schedule. It is almost impossible to predict the length of time required to debug a complex electronics readout system.

    Contact person for Installation matters: John Sullivan (

    updated 16-Apr-2001