MVD installation procedure

Overall summary:

We anticipate a two stage installation.

In stage 1 we move the detector, electronics, and cooling into the hall and connect it in the retracted position below the beam line. Several days of tests follow -- during which we have easy access to the detector. We then expect a period of data-taking during which further tests will take place. The total time for this stage 1 installation is estimated at 5 1/2 days. This includes 3 days of tasks which could be completed in advance with sufficient access to the IR. The major risk in this schedule is assuming only 2 days for electronics checkout.

The stage-2 installation is quicker (2 days) -- the detector is moved from the retracted position to the final position around the beam pipe. We would like to have the option of a third short period of access (1-2 days) between the stage-1 and stage-2 installation period to try to fix any problems observed following the stage-1 installation.

Stage 1

Most significant safety issue: Possible damage to Be beam pipe. Solution: During the stage 1 installation, the beam pipe will be protected by several inches of foam padding. Beam pipe vacuum should be isolated during the installation. In addition, this work will take place out of reach of the beam pipe (on a platform approximately 2.4 meters below the beam line). For details on the beam pipe protection, see the email message dated 7-June-2000 from Pete Kroon to phenix-dc-l (attached).

Tasks which could be completed prior to stage 1 installation (if we had access):

  • Install MVD cooling systems and associated plumbing. Time estimate: 3 days.
  • Install MVD rack electronics. Time estimate: 8 hours.
  • The west access ladder, used to climb onto the top of the central magnet bottom yoke, must be in place. Time estimate: 1 hour.
  • MVD north side cable bundles need to be installed in the cable trays and the MVD rack. The south side cables are not needed because only the north side of the MVD is instrumented in the year-1 configuration. Time estimate: 4 hours.
  • Install MVD rack cables. Time estimate: 3 hours.
  • MVD fiber optic, ethernet, and arcnet cables need to be installed. Time estimate: 3 hours.
  • The MVD Installation Fixture and stand must be bolted to the MVD lift table. This item weighs approximately 20 pounds and does not need any special lifting equipment. Time estimate: 2 hours.
  • Summary of time required for these steps which could be completed in advance: 3 days + 21 hours if done in series. This work could probably be completed in 3 days of uninterrupted access with enough people working.

    Lift fixtures:

  • No lift fixtures are required.
  • No rigging procedures are required.
  • No certification for special lifting is required.

    Survey requirements:

  • The MVD is held by the MVD mount assemblies which are bolted to the central magnet nosecones. These items have been surveyed. No additional survey is required.

    Delivery of MVD to Bldg 1008:

  • The MVD and most most of the relevant equipment is currently in bldg 1008A. The remaining equipment should be in 1008A by June 13.

    Installation procedure:

  • Each MVD half is hand-carried into the interaction hall and handed to a person on top of the central magnet bottom yoke. Time estimate: 1 hour.
  • The MVD halves are placed in the installation fixture and bolted together at the pivots. Time estimate: 1 hour.
  • The installation fixture is arranged so that the MVD is clam-shelled together and fully supported. Time estimate: 1 hour.
  • The cable bundles and the cooling lines are installed. Time estimate: 5 hours.
  • Total time required for delivery and installation procedure: 1 shift. In calculating the total time required (above), I called this "1/2 day".

    Testing following installation:

  • All MVD components will be tested prior to installation. Still, something may need attention during the final turn-on process. General electronics test equipment (such as an oscilloscope) may be needed near the MVD rack. Time estimate: 2 days. This is the real uncertainty in the schedule. It is almost impossible to predict the length of time required to debug a complex electronics readout system.

    Stage 2:

    Most significant safety issue: Possible damage to Be beam pipe. Solution: We will leave the foam padding around the beam pipe in place as long as possible. At the last possible moment, the foam padding will be removed and the MVD will be closed around the beam pipe. By working slowly and carefully, with the number of people on the platform limited to 2, the risk will be minimized. Beam pipe vacuum should be isolated during the installation. For details on the beam pipe protection, see the email message dated 7-June-2000 from Pete Kroon to phenix-dc-l (attached).

    Installation procedure:

  • Some cables and parts of the cooling system may have to be disconnected to lift the MVD close to its final position. Estimated time: 2 hours.
  • Lift the MVD as high as possible with obstructing access to cooling and cable connections. Estimated time: 2 hours.
  • reconnect all cables and cooling connections. Estimated time: 2 hours.
  • Lift MVD to installed height. Estimated time: 2 hours.
  • Close MVD around beam pipe. Estimated time: 1 hour.
  • Recheck electronics readout. Estimated time: 1 day.

    When will we be ready?

    The following things need to be done before we can start the installation:

  • A few days of work on cooling system components in Los Alamos, followed by shipment to BNL. Estimated arrival at BNL: 9 June 2000.
  • Delivery and testing of remaining DCIM boards. We will get 12 more DCIM boards by June 9. If at least 9 are good, we will have sufficient DCIM boards tested by June 21. If we need more, this will be delayed further.
  • Testing of complete system (all DCIMs installed). Estimated completion date June 21.
  • Complete checking of all channels (not all have been checked since shipment to BNL). Estimated completion date: 9 June 2000.
  • Install inner enclosure on MVD. Estimated completion date Jun 19.
  • Summary: We do not expect to start the last 2 1/2 days of the stage-1 installation prior to June 21.

    Contact person for Installation matters: Jan Boissevain (

    updated 20-Jun-2000