
Serial string bits

An overall description of the definition of the serial string bits can be found here. However, look at this link for some details I think are wrong in that document.

Bits used by the heap manager

There are a total of 6 TGV 32's on the board

Bits used by TGV 1
Bits used by TGV 2
Bits used by TGV 3
Bits used by TGV 4
Bits used by TGV 5
Bits used by TGV 6

There are a total of 7 AMU/ADCs on the board

serial bits used by amu/adc 1
serial bits used by amu/adc 2
serial bits used by amu/adc 3
serial bits used by amu/adc 4
serial bits used by amu/adc 5
serial bits used by amu/adc 6
serial bits used by amu/adc 7

John Sullivan
updated 23-Feb-1999