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The RHIC Spin Collaboration and PHENIX/Spin


The RHIC Spin Collaboration[15,16] (RSC), a group of experimentalists, theorists, and accelerator physicists, was formed in 1991 with the objective of advancing the case for a polarized collider program at RHIC. The RSC proposal update containing sections on, (A) polarized collider operation of RHIC, (B) the PHENIX detector spin physics program, and (C) the STAR detector spin physics program, was approved by the PAC in October 1993. The cost estimated for instrumenting RHIC to provide polarized-beam capability is $10M.

During the past year the RIKEN Spin Group (RSG) has undertaken an initiative to provide a large part of the polarized collider equipment. In addition, the RSG will fund a major upgrade of the PHENIX muon spectrometer, making feasible for the first time an extensive program of high- measurements of single-muon and dimuon production. The present proposal, authored by an enlarged collaboration, PHENIX/Spin, addresses the physics program to be carried out with the upgraded PHENIX detector. The physics program described in the PHENIX subsection of the RSC proposal covered measurements feasible with the Conceptual Design Report (CDR)[25] version of PHENIX, including inclusive direct photon production and production via electron detection. As the case has already been made for this suite of measurements, the present proposal focuses only on new capabilities.

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Sun Nov 5 18:47:30 MST 1995