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Inclusive Heavy Flavor Production


Open charm and beauty production will have significant cross sections in the RHIC operating range. PYTHIA calculations indicate and at . Additionally, the parton-level asymmetry is expected to be large for [37]. This strongly suggests that the inclusive high- single muon spectrum or coincidences could be used to measure an integral value of with high statistical precision. Figure 12 shows the number of inclusive single muons detected by the muon end caps for , compared to the pion decay background. Using the values of the asymmetry for charm and beauty decay averaged over the end cap acceptance for yields . With counts this would yield a very significant measurement of at .

Figure 12: Production of single muons from charm, beauty, and pion decay into the PHENIX end caps at versus . Straight lines have been drawn through the charm and beauty decay distributions to aid in the clarity of the presentation.

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Sun Nov 5 18:47:30 MST 1995