Large CSC Chamber for the PHENIX Muon Detector with Ultra Thin Cathode Foils*

D. M. Lee, V. Armijo, L. Atencio, M. L. Brooks, D. Clark, W.W.Kinnison, G. Hart, C. Morris, M. Murray, W. Sondheim (a), D.E. Fields (b), B.V.Dinesh (c), Z.Wang (d)

(a) Los Alamos National Lab, (b) Univ of New Mexico, (c) Bhabha Atomic Research Center, (d) Louisiana State University

Submitted: April 12, 1996
The muon tracking system for the PHENIX detector at RHIC uses cathode strip chambers(CSC) for the tracking detectors. These detectors must provide 100 micron resolution to give satisfactory mass resolution of the vector mesons. The intermediate station (station 2) must have a very small radiation length, and large acceptance. We have prototyped a full scale CSC chamber to test the use of 25 micron metalized mylar foils for the cathode strips at station 2. The full scale prototype detector is a trapezoid, 2.3 m high and 2.3 m wide. The foil and wire planes are mounted on thin 3.2 mm thick by 7.5 cm laminated frames and the tension of the planes is maintained by the two large 7.5 cm wide x 3.2 cm thick aluminum support frames. The total radiation length of the detector is 8.5 x 10**-4. The results of mechanical and electrical tests are presented.

*This work is supported in part by the US Department of Energy, Contract W-7405, Eng-36.

David M. Lee
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mail Stop H846, P-25
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Tel. 505-667-8888
Fax 505-665-7920