Alignment System for the PHENIX Muon Tracking Chambers*

M. L. Brooks, D. M. Lee, W. E. Sondheim

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Submitted: April 11, 1996

The alignment system to be used for the PHENIX muon system will be presented. The system that has been chosen is comprised of several optical fiber light sources, lenses, and photodetctors. A comparison of the performance of different photo-detectors and light sources will be given as well as the affects of the alignment of the different components on the ability to measure the overall alignment of the system. The alignment of the internal chamber strips to the alignment components will also be presented.

Alignment System for the PHENIX Muon Tracking Chambers

*This work is supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Contract W-7405, Eng-36.

Melynda Brooks

MS-H846, Group-P25
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

phone: (505)667-6909
FAX: (505)665-7920