Alignment System for the PHENIX Muon Tracking Chambers

M. L. Brooks, D. M. Lee, W. E. Sondheim
Los Alamos National Laboratory

The PHENIX muon tracking system will be used to reconstruct upsilon vector mesons with a mass resolution of 200 MeV/c2. To achieve this mass resolution, we must have a spectrometer momentum resolution of better than 2% at the momentum of upsilon decay muons which is typically 10-30 GeV/c. With three tracking stations and three fine resolution chambers at each station, we require a chamber resolution of 100 um to obtain this momentum resolution. This corresponds to a station resolution of 58 um. In order to make sure that the alignment of the chambers to each other does not contribute significantly to the momentum resolution, we would like to measure the relative alignment of the chambers to each other to 25 um or better over a distance of 4 meters.

Achieving this type of alignment measurement precision is a multi-step process which involves accurately etching the strips of the cathode strip chamber relative to the chamber frame, accurately placing alignment measuring components onto the chambers with respect to these strips, and then having an active alignment measurement which measures relative alignments to better than 25 um.

We have used an autocollimation technique with precision balls on the external chamber frame to achieve the accurate etching of the strips relative to the chamber frame, and plan to use a system of optical fibers, lenses and photo-sensors to measure the alignment. The autocollimation system that we are using, which is attached to our etching apparatus, is capable of determining the positions of precision balls to an accuracy of 5 um. The precision balls that we are using rest on top of precision alignment pins which hold the alignment of our chamber frames. We then measure the positions of these pins to establish the orientation of the etching apparatus with respect to the chamber frame. The measurement of the entire chamber frame with respect to the etching apparatus has been found to be limited by the accuracy of our alignment holes and pins and the accuracy of the lead screws which move the etching pen and autocollimator. We have found that the system is capable of determining the chamber coordinate system with residuals of 25-50 um, which is equivalent to the errors in the alignment pins and lead screws of our prototype system. Work that will be done to improve the system will also be presented.

An overview of the light source-lens-detector systems that will be used to measure the relative alignment of the chambers at the three stations will also be given (see Figure 1). Several different photo-sensors and light sources have been tried and the comparison of them will be shown, with the expected measurement precision of the final chosen system. The systems have typically been found to be capable of measuring the alignments to +/-5 um, with no special thermal or background light controls (see Figure 2 where the position measurement of a light spot on a CCD camera is shown over the course of a weekend).

The required placement precision of the alignment components on the chambers has also been studied, including angular tilts of the different components. The translational requirements are obviously equivalent to our measurement requirements. The angular position of the lens must be accurate to approximately 1 because refraction of the light through a tilted lens causes a displacement of the light spot. Finally, a description of the mounts that will achieve our required precisions will be given.

Figure 1: Schematic of straightness monitors which will be used to measure the relative alignment of the three muon stations with respect to each other. The light sources will be located on station 1 chambers, the lenses will be on station 2 chambers, and the light detectors will be on station 3 chambers.

Figure 2: The measured x and y positions of a light spot over the course of a weekend. The light source, lens, and detector were in the same spacing as they will be in the muon system.