Tests of the linearity and noise levels in this system were performed to determine whether it was suitable for the CSRC tests. Shown in Figure 3.2.1 are the results of tests of the amplifier linearity made using a test input on the amplifier and a tail pulser to simulate chamber inputs. Over the dynamic range tested the amplifier was found to be linear to within 0.1% This is better than needed in the current application.
Noise levels were measured using the same system by measuring the RMS of the digitized peak. The noise level was found to be independent of input pulse height, but as expected, highly dependent on input capacitance. This is shown in Figure 3.2.2. The expected input capacitance for a l cm x 300 cm strip is approximately 330 pf and approaches 500 pf if a chevron configuration is used. Under all configurations the signal-to-noise of this amplifier is less than 100/1 and could be used for the production electronics.
Because these amplifiers were readily available, they were used in all subsequent tests along with the FERA ADC's.
Figure 3.2.1: Linearity test of NE5212
Figure 3.2.2: Noise level vs. capacitance
We have compared this alternating anode-cathode design with an MWPC design, i.e. an anode plane with no cathode field wires. The ratio of the induced cathode pulse to the anode pulse for both designs was measured to determine if there was any significant loss of the induced signal due to capacitive coupling to the field wires. We found that the induced cathode pulse heights were within 5% for the two designs.
Because the anode wires in the alternating anode-cathode design can be disabled without effecting the other anode wires in the plane, all further tests used the alternating design.
Figure 3.3.1: Efficiency vs. High Voltage
where is the induced charge and is the location of each strip. From this equation it can be shown that the relative accuracy of the charge measurement must be better than 1% for 100 m resolution with 1 cm amplifier spacing, the goal of the present work.
Reaching the goal of better than 1% in the charge measurement means amplifier gains requiring separate gain calibration for each channel and then correcting the measured charges in the software. Since the variations in the amplifier gains can be as much as +/-10%, this type of calibration procedure is necessary. The procedure developed for doing this was to histogram the ratio of the induced cathode charge, , to the anode charge, for the strip with the largest induced pulse. The ratio of the maximum induced strip charge to the anode charge is,
The maximum occurs when the avalanche is exactly in the middle of the cathode strip. Since the chamber construction is very accurate, all strips should be measuring the same maximum induced charge except for amplifier gain variations. The gains were software adjusted by finding the value of above which 25% of the area of the histogram was contained. This procedure gave a gain calibration with an error of less than 0.5% after a few hours of accumulated cosmic ray data.
We can obtain the induced pulse distribution, , by a simple integration,
The results of this procedure is shown in Figure 3.5.1. All subsequent data use this distribution.
Figure 3.5.1: Measured induced charge distribution
A method for calculating positions is to use the table of and to calculate a weighted sum,
where is given by equation (1), w are a set of weights, and the sum is restricted to only three pads.
Position resolutions have been measured with a number of possible cathode configurations using a setup with three planes of CSRC. Positions from the two outer planes were used to project to the center plane, and the residual was,
For the case where all three chambers are assumed to contribute equally to the resolution,
and are equally spaced, the contribution of each chamber, , is given by
Figure 3.6.1: Example of a Chevron configuration[5]
Figure 3.6.2: Examples of capactive coupling or floating cathode techniques.
(a) Single intermediate strip cathode, and (b) two intermediate strip cathodes.