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Cathode Strip Readout Chamber (CSRC) technology for the tracking system for the PHENIX Muon Arm has been investigated. Cathode strip readout chambers offer high resolution, reduced number of chamber planes, reduced sensitivity to magnetic field, potentially reduced production costs, and the ability to determine an r- space point within a detecting plane and thereby improving the tracking efficiency at high rates. A prototype chamber has been tested with a variety of etched cathode strips using cosmic rays and the results show resolutions well below 200 microns and efficiencies of 99%. Finite element simulations of the mechanical frames of a full station 2 octant have been performed and demonstrate that adequate stiffness can be achieved.

1. Introduction

The basic mechanical construction of the CSRC is that of a conventional proportional wire chamber. However, rather than reading out the anode wire to get discreet position resolution, a precise position coordinate is determined from the induced signal on cathode strips perpendicular to the anode wires. Resolutions as small as 50 um have been achieved on chambers as large as 2 meters[1]. For a CSRC to serve as a candidate for the muon tracking system tracking chambers, the issues that must be addressed are, spatial resolution, identification of a suitable gas with a small Lorentz angle, radiation length, preparation and metrology of the cathode foils, and mechanical design issues related to frame stiffness, frame thickness, and creep. Cost and simplicity in design will be very important.

This document describes the current status of work aimed at determining a suitable design of cathode strip readout chambers as an alternative to drift chambers for tracking in the muon arm of PHENIX. A set of criteria and the CSRC measured or expected performance for the tracking chambers has been prepared and is attached as Appendix A. Previous studies have shown CSRC are capable of the needed position resolution, provide high efficiency, and robust tracking. These previous designs, however, are not optimal for the present application because of their thick cathode structures which would introduce too much multiple scattering and degrade the momentum resolution of the system. Also, these designs have aimed at better than 100 um position resolution which requires a readout scheme with several amplifiers/cm. The present study presents alternative designs that have a smaller radiation length and require lower, less expensive readout density.

This work was performed at LANL using the PHENIX muon chamber test set up and was performed in parallel with the drift chamber prototype tests. The designs we have studied were constrained by using existing frames and electronics surplus to the Neutral Meson Spectrometer (NMS) project at LAMPF.