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Mass Resolution Limits

Table 1 shows the contributions to the upsilon mass resolution for the North and South muon arms. The contribution from the multiple scattering and energy straggling in the material in front of the tracking stations was determined by using the true momentum vector at the first tracking station and tracking back to the vertex. If the tracking stations are then given perfect resolution, but the particle is tracked all the way from the last tracking station to the vertex, then the limit from the multiple scattering in both the material in front of the tracking stations as well as the air and chamber material in the tracking volume is obtained. Lastly, the expected finite chamber resolution was added to the simulation to give the mass resolution when all material and detector resolutions are taken into account. The expected resolution is 100 m per fine resolution plane and three fine resolution planes per station.

Table 1: Upsilon mass resolutions obtained by the North and South muon arms, with a perfect spectrometer (no material and perfect resolution), with material added but still perfect chamber resolutions, and with chamber resolutions added.

The North muon arm upsilon mass resolution is limited to 180 MeV/c by the multiple scattering and energy straggling in the material in front of the tracking stations. The South arm is limited to only 148 MeV/c because of the shorter nosecone. However, because the lever arm is significantly shorter in the South arm than in the North arm the sagitta (or kick) is significantly smaller in the South arm than in the North arm for the same momentum particle. This means that the chamber resolutions and multiple scattering in the spectrometer material more strongly affect the momentum resolution in the South arm than in the North arm. The shorter length of air causing multiple scattering only slightly compensates for this. The result is that the multiple scattering in the air and chamber material in the South arm increases the upsilon mass resolution from 148 MeV/c to 180 MeV/c while leaving the mass resolution in the North arm relatively unchanged. The baseline chamber resolutions further degrade the upsilon mass resolution in the South arm to 250 MeV/c while degrading the North arm resolution to only 205 MeV/c. Because the chamber resolution is still contributing to the upsilon mass resolution in both arms, we have investigated improving the chamber resolution by changing the number of fine cathode planes in each station. This is presented in the next section.

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