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O. Kiselev Studies

O. Kiselev's is a more comprehensive study as it was performed in order to test suitability of gas for GEM CSCs. Their studies have recommended triple gas mixture for the GEM Muon System. This triple gas mixture exhibited a Lorentz angle of about at 4kv/cm fields at 0.8T. The other gas mixtures O. Kiselev studied appeared to not have satisfied the criteria of gas amplification, etc. One cannot rule out the possibility of using mixture, as at lower magnetic fields of at about 5.7 (assuming linear scaling). The other prospective gas mixture one could study is (50:50) which seems to have a lower Lorentz angle when compared to the triple mixture. Figures 6 and 7 show the behavior of the triple mixture and the mixture.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Assuming that one of these gases would be suitable for the PHENIX detector with a Lorentz angle of approximately at 0.5 T, one can estimate the resolution degradation due to the Lorentz angle effect. These estimates project a figure of 45 m for degradation due to Lorentz angle. However, one has to keep in mind that the degradation of resolution due to other sources may serve to worsen the estimated figure.

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Mon Nov 20 13:39:48 MST 1995