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The routines in PISORP which simulate tracking through the muon identifier in the muon arm of PHENIX have been revised by Ken Read, Saskia Mioduszewski, and Ajit Mohanty to reflect the switch from pad readout to direct readout from the anode wires of the Iarocci tubes. This is a first report on our use of the newly revised PISORP.

A very brief report on the differences in trigger rates brought about by the omission of the neutron and lead shields is given. In addition, since the issue of omitting the ``nosecone'' was brought up by Glenn Young at the Albuquerque meeting in August, we have also studied the effect on the trigger rate of omitting both the shields and the nosecone. Normally simulations should have both shields removed and the nosecose installed.

Finally, since the tracking algorithm permits the user to simulate tracking through strip detectors without hodoscopic ambiguities we have compared the trigger rates with and without these ambiguities.

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Thu Nov 2 15:26:49 MST 1995