Fermilab E866/NuSea Theses
Fermilab E866/NuSea Theses
E866/NuSea Theses:
- Steve Klinksiek's Thesis
"Finding the Charm in 800 GeV/c p-Cu and p-Be Single Muon Spectra"
(Univ. of New Mexico, December 2005),
- Jason Webb's Thesis
"Measurement of Continuum Dimuon Production in 800-GeV/c Proton-Necleon Collisions"
(New Mexico State Univ., Sept 2002).
Results still not considered final. Final results to appear in a long
paper, which is in preparation.
All, or
chapter1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6,
Tables provided for convenience. Consult the thesis for an explanation
of the systematic uncertainties (chapter 4).
newd2table_ascii.txt and
- Bill Lee's Thesis
"A Measurement of the Nuclear Dependence of J/Psi and Psi' Production"
(Georgia State Univ., ? 1999),
- Ting Chang's Thesis
"Angular Distribution of J/Psi Decays in Dimuon Channel in 800 GeV Proton-Copper Collisions"
(New Mexico State Univ., July 1999),
Still not considered final results, systematic errors may change for the final publication.
(non-compressed version).
- Rusty Towell's Thesis
"Measurement of the Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea" (Univ. Texas, Austin, May 1999).
Still not considered final results, these will appear in a long paper which is under preparation.
If you want to print it in duplex format use this version..
- Eric Hawker's Thesis
"Measurement of the Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea"
(Texas A&M, August 1998),
Also preliminary results based on the high-mass data sets only.
Mike Leitch (leitch@lanl.gov)