
Notes and tips for NA44 software users

The notes here are supposed to be valid on all unix machines. I have tested these on the LANL HPs, and Cern HPPLUS and CERNSP services. Please let me know if there are problems on other sites. -----
  • fix your login files:
    In your .cshrc, you need only the following lines:
    #        Do the NA44 environment initialization:
    #        setenv NA44VSN n010                            # optional version override
             source /p2hp6/usr1/na44/install/na44.login	# lanl
    #        source /afs/cern.ch/na44/install/na44.login	# cernsp and hpplus
    If you don't set the version, you get the current default version number. This login file defines the standard directory paths. Note that aliases for dbtools and flink are now also defined in na44.login, so remove them from your login files. Finally the NA44 software news is shown. For more detail, see the NA44 software managers guide.

  • .cmzlogon.kumac.
    This file is executed when CMZ starts up. It should contain at least:
      author 'Your Name Here'
      exec $FCMZ/na44cmz.kumac
    In addition, you can put there your favorite CMZ items, such as host_editor and host_browser.
    You can place this file in your home directory, or only in subdirectories where you do NA44 work.
    Note that in the past, na44cmz.kumac resided in $FINSTALL, but since in general it may be version-dependent, it has moved to $FCMZ, as of version n011.

  • The debug switch in flink is now active. Executables under debug can be double the size of non-debug executables, and run a bit faster. ----- comments to hubert@lanl.gov