C***************************************************************************** c phnx.par for PISA2.04 February 1, 1996 F77 version c c ONLY SIMULATION CORE GROUP MEMBERS MAY UPDATE THIS FILE IN THE REPOSITORY !! c c Revision history c Feb. 1 change for Muon Arm South in mag_par segment (CFM: from Leitch) c Feb. 7 change for RICH parameters crk_par segment (CFM: from Akiba) c Feb. 7 change for MVD parameters ver_par segment (CFM: new from Sullivan) c Feb. 12 complete change of BBC parameters bbc_par (CFM: new from Kaimi) c Feb. 28 revision of central magnet parameters c (CFM: main shape, yoke, core, coils); muon magnet unchanged c Feb. 29 introduce car_par segment for central arm carriages installation c Mar. 1 put in lead shield in the rhic_mag segment for beam gas events c revise the carriage default parameters and add zpos parameter c Mar. 26 added more carriage values, added electronics racks (AAR) c Mar. 29 replace tec_pc23_par segment with pc23_par segment (CFM) as part c of the split of PC2/PC3 from TEC c Aug. 1 change of a BBC parameter, bbc_par (Kaimi) c Aug. 20 Change RICH mirr_the1 to 98.99 from 96.4 degrees (CFM) c Also fix the phnx_f77.par and phnx_ibmf90.par to match c Aug. 23 Change Muon Arm magnet parameters in mag_par and c muon arm tracking station parameters in mum_par (CFM) c Aug. 23 Turn off Muon Arm fin flag (fin_flag = 0) in mag_par segment c because of error messages being reported by GEANT (CFM) c Aug. 27 Fix fin_z1(2) and fin_z2(2) values in mag_par segment, and turn c fin flag back on (fin_flag =1) as per D. Lee instructions (CFM) c Sep. 29 Add retaining ring to mag_par section c Oct. 7 Fix retaining ring parameter problem...AAR c Oct. 9 Install new Drift Chamber dc_it96_par segment (CFM from JM) c Put in emc_opt = 3 and emc_walls = 8 for full EMCal (CFM) c Nov. 16 Put in steel as medium for inner coil instead of air (i.e. c cencoil_med(1) changed from 19 to 5) as per collab. decision (CFM) c Dec. 4 Change crk_par according to Kenta Shigaki modifications (CFM) c Remove most of emc_par explicit parameters as per Gabor request c Dec. 9 Change emc_par variable emc_cluster to emc_debug (CFM) c c 1997 Changes c c Jan. 16 Increase the Muon Arm tracking station #1 inner radius from c 22.5 to 24.5 cm for better cut-off angle (M. Brooks request) c Feb. 1 Change copper plug parameters (M. Brooks request); MT1 South c inner radius parameter remains at 24.5 cm because its construction c is the same as the North MT1 c Feb. 1 Change in DC geometry (J. Mitchell request); Z supports moved c out from 180 to 191 cm, minor changes in support thicknesses, and c independent window thicknesses for inner and outer radii c Aug. 11 Change nosecone medium from 15 to 17. Still copper but with a c set of thresholds better matched to nosecone's location. Also c the copper (both #15 and #17) now magnetically active. c Oct. 24 Change to symmetric nosecones, as per official Detector Council c decision. This also required a core file (gugeom.inc) change c Oct. 29 Correction on rncmx parameters for symmetric nosecone (UNM group c caught this problem) c Nov. 10 New Drift Chamber parameters from Jeff Mitchell implementing c Victor Baublis' new geometry c Dec. 16 Rounded piston geometry in mag_par from Melynda Brooks c c 1998 Changes c c Jan. 16 MVD parameters updated to present version of MVD including the c 30 cm enclosure (from John Sullivan) c Feb. 10 New nosecone parameters from Melynda Brooks c Feb. 10 New R_VER_STRUT = 1.54 parameter from John Sullivan c Mar. 11 New MuTr tracking station parameters from Melynda Brooks c Mar. 31 New PC2/PC3 parameters (Z = 0 changes) from Andrew Rose c Change from 902 to 802 (plastic) for tracking media in c mt_frame_medium, mt_spoke_medium, nemd_mu_ps, nmed_muw_ps, c wtr_med, and BBMEDBRE c Apr. 6 New Muon Arm plug parameters (M. Brooks from UNM group) c Apr. 11 New Muon Arm flower pot and tracking station parameters (M. Brooks) c Apr. 30 Change ver_th_bus_cable to 0.13 from 0.25 (J. Sullivan) c May 12 Add South Muon Arm MuID Plane 1 shield beam collar (M. Brooks) c May 13 Fix Z ordering of beam collar shield (M. Brooks, GEANT "gotcha") c May 16 Change outer radius of collar to 42 cm from 30 cm (M. Brooks) c Dec 11 Change PC1 parameters pc1dzext, pc1grhex, pc1epoxy (Xie Wei) c Dec 11 Add trd_par segment for TEC (first time from Alexandre Lebedev) c Previous trd_par segment had been from 1993 N Smirnov version c c 1999 Changes c c Feb 11 Change outer radius of collar to 32 cm from 42 cm (Y. Mao) c Aug 30 Change EMCal segment for new emc.f routine (PbGl upgrades) c Dec 1 Fix outer radius of collar at 42 cm (problem with Feb 11 change?) c Dec 15 Add PC2 West-arm only option (J. Mitchell) as default c c 2000 Changes c c May 10 Add hall_par segment for retracted geometry, where c 46 cm is the April 30 estimate from Achim Franz c c May 11 Change convention such that retracted East Arm c uses negative distances (i.e. PISA convention) c c New Drift Chamber segment from Victor Baoublis May 5 c c Jul 21 New tof segment from Akio Kiyomichi (May 29 version) c Change West Arm retraction to 44 cm, East Arm to 41 cm c c Aug 7 Fixed reversal of retraction distances. East was really at -44 cm c and West was really at +41 cm c c Sep 30 Change to 0 retraction distance for both East and West arms c Put in new MVD for Year 1 running (John Sullivan) c c c 2001 Changes c c Apr 18 Document the fact that the Muon Arm has been changed (Mar - Apr 2001) c Last change was a station 3 Z position from 470.1 to 463.434 cm (M. Brooks) c c Apr 18 Change MVD parameter segment for Year 2 running version see the WWW page c http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/p/draft/sullivan/notes/pisa_year2/index.html c N_CAGE_TYPE and PAD_INSTALL_FLG lines were modified c c Apr 25 Changes in the StationThreeParameters (Doug Fields) c c Jun 27 Add inr2_par parameters for sample upgrades volumes (CFM) c c Jun 28 Change inr2_par to sili_par (CFM) c c Jul 8 Add ntc_par segment for NTC counter prototype (CFM) c c Jul 20 Add tzr_par segment for TZR counter prototype (CFM) c c Aug 9 Fix MuID beam collar dimensions to match as-built dimensions (M. Brooks) c c Sep 30 Add hbd_par segment for HBD/TPC prototype (CFM) c c c 2002 Changes c c Feb 16 Add conv_par photon converter segment (CFM) c c Feb 20 change conv_par photon converter segment (T.Hachiya) c c Feb 20 change the tzr_par segment for 16 layers (CFM) c c Mar 29 change MuID parameters : mu_gas_thick, zgap_labs_ldet and z_muhl (Villatte) c (to increase MuID sensitive volumes) c c April 20 change MuTr station z positions to match real data (M. Brooks) c c May 11 Changes in pc23_par segment to match the as-built geometry (CFM) c PC2DZEXT changed from 333.32 to 336.62 c PC3DZEXT changed from 386.09 to 389.39 c Add PC2DZGAS parameter as 314.07 (had been hardcoded 304.95) c Add PC3DZGAS parameter as 366.06 (had been hardcoded 357.38) c Increase IBAR2DZ and TBAR2DZ by 0.4105 cm each to get extra 3.294 cm gap at Z0 c c May 14 Put arm_shift to 0 (no East West carriage shifts) in order to c simplify the Photon Shield installation c c May 17 New version of tof_par segment from Akio Kiyomichi (CFM) c c May 29 New version of emc_par segment from Gabor David (CFM) c Small geometry corrections, global rpos_emc changed to 507.7 from 510.0 c Cell size changed from 5.542 to 5.58 c c Jun 5 Revised beam pipe from Kensuke Homma (see Fig. 4 of AN107, CFM) c c Jun 19 Change in the NTC segment from Brendan Fox and Christine Aidala (CFM) c c Sep 25 Added variable "muid_shield" to choose between Run2 and Run3 c muon shielding options. c muid_shield = 1 ! Run3 c muid_shield = 0 ! Run2 c c Oct 3 Changed values of StationNominalZPos for North arm tracker to reflect c survey numbers and agree with reconstruction code. Doug Fields c c Oct 7 Added trdupgrade variable to the trd_par namelist. If set to 1, c TRD upgrade will be installed (radiator + Xe/He gas mixture). c c 2003 Changes c c Jan 26 Add fcl_par segment for mock FCL (forward calorimeter) development (CFM) c Real fcl_par values will be added by Stephen Johnson (LLNL) c c Feb 25 Changed values of StationNominalZPos for North arm tracker to reflect c NEW survey numbers for station 2. (M. Brooks) c c Mar 24 Re-position North Arm Station 3 for better MC efficiency. C N.B. the octant order is 6,5,4,3,2,1,8,7 (R.Hobbs) c c Apr 8 Change the NOSECONE ZNCONE values to 1 cm thinner for Run3 c (Numbers from Melynda Brooks) c c May 10 Change fcl_par parameters (Stephen Johnson) c c Jun 5 Add prototype aerogel aer_par segment c c Jun 18 New version of fcl_par (from Stephen Johnson) c c Jun 20 New version of fcl_par (from Stephen Johnson) c c Jun 23 New version of mvd_par for Run3 (from Hubert van Hecke) c c Jul 2 Added ntcp_par segment (from Hiroyoshi Hiejima) c c Jul 7 Changes by Pei for Silicon ("Fix the bug in siliside_par so that both 8 endcaps are now working") c c Jul 28 Changes by Pei for Silicon ("fix one error of radius of one of vtx barrels") c c Aug 28 Changes by S. Johnson for FCAL ("Updating FCAL geometry") c c Sep 19 Changes from V. Rykov and G. Kunde c 1) Added $sili_cg_par, $sili_br_par; Removed $sili_par c 2) Old (invalid) $hbd_par replaced with the one from "phnxHbd.par" c c Sep 20 Change by V. Rykov for sili_br_nsn 4, 4, 4, 4, (prevent overlaps) c c 2004 Changes c c Feb 19 Change by Hua Pei & V. Rykov for siliside_par & sili_cg_par: c Endcap is removed from the HBD & INR Barrel volumes. c c Mar 6 Change by L. A. Linden Levy Added RLT dimensions at end of file. c c Mar 7 Change the hbd_par segment to tpc_par as part of the HBD and HBD/TPC name change c Introduce the new hbd_par segment from Ilia Ravinovich c c Mar 26 Change for the ver_par segment, new Run4 option c c Mar 30 Introduce Run2/Run3 option for photon converter c c***************************************************************************** $hall_par arm_shift = 0, east_shift = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, west_shift = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, $end $conv_par inner_radius_conv = 28.991, thickness_conv = 0.0254, med_conv = 110, dz_conv = 30.48, bottom_overlap_conv = 6.985, conv_ver = 2, conv_range = -50.4685, 230.4685, $end $car_par ZPOS = 280., RMIN = 510., RMAX = 590., DZ = 20.0, PHI1 = -37.5, PHI2 = 60.0, N_MED = 41, ZPOS = 248.031 UXPOS = 268., UYPOS = -232., UZPOS = 248.031, UDZ = 25.625, UDX1 = 110.27791, UDX2 = 0., UDY1 = 76.849985, UDY2 = 76.849985, THE1 = 0., PH1 = 0., ALPH1 = 0., ALPH2 = 0., CBDX = 207.3402, CBDY = 40., CBDZ = 25.781, CBX = 420.30752, CBY = -349.19058, CBZ = 248.031, THICK = 4., $end $rack_par NE = .TRUE., SE = .FALSE., SW = .FALSE., NW = .FALSE., MA = .FALSE., NECH = 'NEA1','NEA2','NEA3','NEA4','NEA5', NWCH = 'NWA1','NWA2', SWCH = 'SWA1', SECH = 'SEA1', MACH = 'MAW1','MAE1' NEA = 581.927, 295.510, 350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, 518.196, 295.510, 350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, 452.466, 295.510, 350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, 388.736, 295.510, 350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, 581.927, -295.510, 350.846, 030.480, 078.740, 045.720, NWA = -581.927, 000.000, 350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, -581.927, 295.510, 350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, SWA = 581.927, 295.510, -350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, SEA = -581.927, 295.510, -350.846, 030.480, 106.680, 045.720, MAG =-180.000, -327.660, 152.364, 030.480, 066.040, 045.720, 180.000, -327.660, -152.364, 030.480, 066.040, 045.720, THICK = 1.0, $end $bbc_par BBCCOLOR = 6, BBCSEENN = 1, BBMEDABS = 26, BBMEDATT = 26, BBMEDBAC = 26, BBMEDBRE = 802, BBMEDCOV = 26, BBMEDFRO = 26, BBMEDMOT = 32, BBMEDPMT = 202, BBMEDQUA = 201, BBMEDSHI = 46, BBMEDSTR = 26, BBNUMREM = 2, BBABSORB = 5.500, 14.500, 0.000, BBATTACH = 0.000, 360.000, 6.000, 2.000, -0.500, 0.200, 1.400, 0.500, 0.200, 1.400, BBBACKBD = 5.500, 15.000, 0.500, BBBREEDE = 0.000, 1.200, 1.950, BBCOVERT = 0.200, BBFRONTB = 5.500, 15.000, 0.500, BBPMTSIZ = 1.090, 1.290, 2.200, BBPOSREM = 9.840, 0.000, -9.840, 0.000, BBQUARTZ = 0.000, 360.000, 6.000, 2.000, -1.500, 0.000, 1.270, 1.500, 0.000, 1.270, BBSHITHI = 0.100, BBSPACIN = 0.300, BBSTRUCT = 5.000, 5.500, 12.500, BBZPOSIT = 144.350, -144.350, $end $ver_par DVISL = 0.015, 2.50, 31.8, DVOSL = 0.015, 4.00, 31.8, DVWR1 = 0.015, 2.60, 2.65, DVWR2 = 0.015, 3.725, 2.65, NWHOLE = 8, NWPERP = 12, PITCH = 0.02, NSTRIP = 256, DVOEL = 2.150, 0.0854, 2.40, WDVROH = 0.57, NHVROH = 12, VISLR = 4.985, VOSLR = 7.485, SV1PH = -120.0, NPH_SEGS= 6, MED_VER_SEN = 105, MED_VER_INS = 101, MED_VER_ROH = 102, MED_VER_HE = 19, R1_VER_ENC = 4.83, R2_VER_ENC = 28.35, DR_VER_ENC1 = 0.001, DR_VER_ENC2 = 0.64, DZ_VER_ENC = 37.2, R_VER_STRUT = 1.54, DR_VER_STRUT= 0.050, MED_VER_ENC1= 106, MED_VER_ENC2= 102, MED_VER_STRUT=106, DZ_VER_ENDPL=0.10, MED_VER_ENDPL=106, DZ_VER_PMB=0.21, Z_VER_PMB=35.15, R_VER_PMB=25.0, MED_VER_PMB=107, R1_VER_PAD=5.0, R2_VER_PAD=12.0, R_VER_MOPL= 8.0, MED_VER_MOPL=106, DZ_VER_MOPL=0.054, Z_VER_MOPL=32.1, COLOR_VER = 4, VER_EL_SPACE = 0.85, VER_TH_BUS_CABLE = 0.305, VER_W_BUS_CABLE = 4.0, VER_PLNM_THWALL = 1.0, R_VER_PLENA = 11.5, ANG_VER_PLENA = 20.0, VER_TH_CABL = 0.005, MED_VER_BUS_CABLE = 107, MED_VER_CABL = 108, MED_VER_MCM = 103, MED_VER_DUMMY_MCM = 102, N_CAGES = 0, N_CAGE_TYPE = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, PAD_INSTALL_FLG = 1,1, $end $sili_cg_par sili_cg_npcon = 2, sili_cg_z = -39.5, 39.5, sili_cg_rmn = 2.2, sili_cg_rmx = 18.2, 18.2, sili_cg_thck = 0.5, sili_cg_inthck = 0.2, sili_cg_xdisp = 0.0, sili_cg_ydisp = 0.0, sili_cg_zdisp = 0.0, sili_cg_tempc = 0.0, $end $sili_br_par sili_br_nlayers = 4, sili_br_r = 2.5, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, sili_br_z = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, sili_br_nsn = 4, 4, 4, 4, sili_br_snhalfx = 0.696, 1.71555, 1.71555, 1.71555, sili_br_snhalfy = 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, sili_br_snhalfz = 2.836, 3.2291, 3.2291, 3.2291, sili_br_x0add = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, sili_br_snzgap = 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_br_nsec = 2, 2, 2, 2, sili_br_nlad(1,1) = 5, 5, sili_br_nlad(1,2) = 5, 5, sili_br_nlad(1,3) = 7, 7, sili_br_nlad(1,4) = 9, 9, sili_br_phic(1,1) = 0., 180., sili_br_phic(1,2) = 0., 180., sili_br_phic(1,3) = 0., 180., sili_br_phic(1,4) = 0., 180., sili_br_dphi = 29.40, 29.40, 22.87, 18.71, sili_br_tilt = 10.0, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, sili_br_nspring = 8, sili_br_spz = -11.0, -11.0, -11.0, -11.0, 11.0, 11.0, 11.0, 11.0, sili_br_sprin = 3.0, 6.7, 8.6, 10.6, 3.0, 6.7, 8.6, 10.6, sili_br_sprout = 5.8, 7.8, 9.8, 10.8, 5.8, 7.8, 9.8, 10.8, sili_br_spthck = 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, $end $sili_end_par $end $siliside_par sili_sideLayers = 8, sili_zCenter_side = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_phi1_side = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_dph_side = 360., 360., 360., 360., 360., 360., 360., 360., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_z1_side = 15.0, 20.5, 26.0, 31.5, -21.5, -27.0, -32.5, -38.0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_rmin1_side = 15.95, 15.95, 15.95, 15.95, 2.95, 2.95, 2.95, 2.95, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_rmax1_side = 16.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_z2_side = 21.5, 27.0, 32.5, 38.0, -15.0, -20.5, -26.0, -31.5, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_rmin2_side = 2.95, 2.95, 2.95, 2.95, 15.95, 15.95, 15.95, 15.95, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_rmax2_side = 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., sili_npdv_side = 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sili_nz_side = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $end $ntc_par ntcLayers = 2, ntc_rin = 5.0, 5.0, ntc_rout = 29.0, 29.0, ntc_zHalfLength = 0.255, 0.255, ntc_zCenter = 40.0, -40.0, ntc_medium = 15, 15, ntcPMTs_in = .TRUE., $end $ntcp_par ns = 2, box = 30.4, 27.6, 0.6, zCenter = 39.4, -39.4, zHalfLength = 0.6, 0.6, medium = 15, 15, PMTs_in = .FALSE., $end $tzr_par tzrLayers = 16, tzr_rin = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., tzr_rout = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., tzr_zHalfLength = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., tzr_zCenter = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., tzr_phimin = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., tzr_phimax = 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., tzr_medium = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, $end $aer_par aer_rin = 430.0, 450.0, aer_rout = 434.0, 454.0, aer_zHalfLength = 125.0, 140.0, aer_zCenter = 0.0, 0.0, aer_phimin = -30.0, -30.0, aer_phimax = +45.0, +45.0, $end $fcl_par Sides = 1, Rows = 10, Columns = 9, ZFront = 1757.4, XFront = -19.4, YFront = -1.5875, Angle = 2.0262, ModuleSpacing = 10.16, SideWallWidth = .3175, BottomWallWidth = 5.08, TopWallWidth = 1.905, FrontWallWidth = 1.27, $end $hbd_par hbdg_rin =5.0, hbdg_rout = 58.4, hbdg_dz =31.45, hbdg_gas = 'CF4', $end $tpc_par tpcg_Rin =18.7, tpcg_Rout = 80., tpcg_R1 =19., tpcg_R2 =56., tpcg_dz =40., tpcg_dzm =17.5, tpcg_dzpr =1.0, tpcg_A_th =0.25, tpcg_C_th =0.04, tpcg_Si_th =0.27, tpcg_gas = 'CF4', $end $dc_it96_par dc_suppzlength = 191.0, dc_inradius = 202.0, dc_outradius = 246.0, dc_phibotw = -33.75, dc_phitopw = 56.25, dc_phibote = 213.75, dc_phitope = 123.75, dc_ncells = 80, dc_rplane = 204.55, 205.148, 205.747, 206.345, 206.943, 207.542, 208.14, 208.738, 209.336, 209.935, 210.533, 211.131, 214.85, 215.448, 216.047, 216.645, 220.35, 220.948, 221.547, 222.145, 225.85, 226.448, 227.047, 227.645, 228.243, 228.842, 229.44, 230.038, 230.636, 231.235, 231.833, 232.431, 236.15, 236.748, 237.347, 237.945, 241.65, 242.248, 242.847, 243.445, dc_planethick = 0.3, dc_ti_switch = 1, dc_winthickin = 0.0200, dc_winthickout = 0.0200, dc_supptiside = 1.2, dc_suppalside = 1.5, dc_suppzthick = 27.0, dc_supptibase = 1.5, dc_suppalbase = 2.5, dc_ngusset = 23, dc_nwinin = 22, dc_nwinout = 10, dc_suppwinz = 13., dc_suppwinx = 10., dc_x1baserad = 2.0, dc_x2baserad = 2.0, dc_x1basez = 1.1, dc_x2basez = 1.1, dc_x1slotthick = 0.7, dc_x2slotthick = 1.0, dc_x1slotz = 2.4, dc_x2slotz = 2.4, dc_x1suppthick = 0.41, dc_x2suppthick = 0.41, dc_x1suppz = 4.0, dc_x2suppz = 4.0, dc_x1rextent = 1.75, dc_x2rextent = 1.75, dc_u1rextent = 1.75, dc_u1baserad = 1.2, dc_u1basez = 1.25, dc_u1slotthick = 0.8, dc_u1slotz = 2.25, dc_u1suppthick = 0.41, dc_u1suppz = 4.0, dc_v1rextent = 1.75, dc_v1baserad = 1.2, dc_v1basez = 1.3, dc_v1slotthick = 0.9, dc_v1slotz = 2.2, dc_v1suppthick = 0.41, dc_v1suppz = 4.0, dc_u2rextent = 1.75, dc_u2baserad = 1.2, dc_u2basez = 1.25, dc_u2slotthick = 1.0, dc_u2slotz = 2.25, dc_u2suppthick = 0.41, dc_u2suppz = 4.0, dc_v2rextent = 1.75, dc_v2baserad = 1.2, dc_v2basez = 1.3, dc_v2slotthick = 1.1, dc_v2slotz = 2.2, dc_v2suppthick = 0.41, dc_v2suppz = 4.0, thet_slotu1 = -5.42, thet_slotv1 = 5.42, thet_slotu2 = -6.00, thet_slotv2 = 6.00, dc_cfibinrad = 1.27, dc_cfiboutrad = 2.0065, $end $itr_par nmchmb = 18, tetgit = 10., taccit = 20., delphi1 = -11.25, delphi2 = +11.25, rinst1 = 150., rotst1 = 249.5, tster = 5., celdm1 = 4., celdm2 = 4., vdrift = 3.5, drdchm = 21.3, drdcsp = 1.4, pddm1x = 0.4, pddm1z = 24.65, drpad1 = 0.4, med460 = 460, med461 = 461, med465 = 465, med466 = 466, med471 = 471, med475 = 475, med476 = 476, med470 = 470, pad_myl_col = 2, dch_myl_col = 2, drc_myl_col = 2, pad_gas_col = 3, dch_gas_col = 3, drc_gas_col = 3, ywdchp = -8.6, -7.4, -6.2, -5.0, -3.8, -2.6, 1.7, 2.9, 7.2, 8.4, tl1 = 0.2, tl2 = 0.1, sgxd = 0.000015, sgyd = 0.002, dstshr = 0.15, zdiff = 0.16, pdsg = 0.2, dxsgm = 0.015, dxlm = 0.025, $end $itr_pc1_par pc1nchmb = 16, pc1tetgt = 11.25, pc1dzext = 197.4, pc1rinst = 246.3, pc1routs = 252.5, pc1grsht = 0.0254, pc1grhex = 2.540, pc1gasgp = 0.6, pc1ctsht = 0.0254, pc1cthex = 2.540, pc1elect = 1.0, pc1epoxy = 0.005, pc1wires = 0.01, med_carbon_epoxy = 490, med_s2_glass_epoxy = 491, med_hexcell = 492, med_epoxy_glue = 493, med_pc_gas = 494, med_pc_board = 495, med_ground_cathode = 496, med_mother_board = 497, med_wire_plane = 498, col_sector = 3, col_hexcell = 7, col_fiber = 4, col_pd_gas = 0, col_electr = 6, delphi1 = -11.25, delphi2 = +11.25, $end $crk_par mirr_r = 403.0, mirr_thck = 0.01, mirr_the1 = 96.41, mirr_the2 = 122.24, mirr_thcut = 98.99, mirr_phi1 = -44.10, mirr_phi2 = 44.10, mirr_dz = 215.0, $end $pc23_par pc2arm0 = 1, pc2arm1 = 0, pc3arm0 = 1, pc3arm1 = 1, pc23nchmb = 8, pc23tetgt = 22.5, pc2dzext = 336.62, pc2dzgas = 314.07, pc3dzext = 389.39, pc3dzgas = 366.06, pc2rinst = 415.00, pc3rinst = 488.05, pc2grsht = 0.0508, pc3grsht = 0.0762, pc2grhex = 3.175, pc3grhex = 3.810, pc2gasgp = 1.0, pc3gasgp = 1.2, pc2ctsht = 0.0254, pc3ctsht = 0.0508, pc2cthex = 3.175, pc3cthex = 3.810, pc2elect = 0.947, pc3elect = 1.0, pc23sbar = 1.905, pc23sbth = 0.4, pc23cbar = 5.08, pc23cbth = 0.2, pc23epoxy = 0.0025, pc23wires = 0.01, med_carbon_epoxy = 690, med_s2_glass_epoxy = 691, med_hexcell = 692, med_epoxy_glue = 693, med_pc_gas = 694, med_pc_board = 695, med_ground_cathode = 696, med_mother_board = 697, med_wire_plane = 698, col_sector = 3, col_hexcell = 2, col_fiber = 4, col_pd_gas = 1, col_electr = 5, delphi1 = -11.25, delphi2 = +11.25, sbardz = 2.28, sbardy = 3.0, enbdz =.318, enbdy =3.0, tbar1dy =.45, tbar1dz =1.148, tbar2dy =3.75, tbar2dz =.7280, sbarpz =1.75, sbarpx =0., sbarpy =2.15, Ibar1dy =.36, Ibar1dz =2.54, Ibar2dy =3.8, Ibar2dz =.7705, yshift =.45, ibeamtf =.true., med_s2 =691, med_alu =26, yshift2 =-.50, p3yoff =.42, $end $trd_par WestArm = 0 EastArm = 1 Nsect = 4 R0 = 424.2 ThRad = 7.065 ThXe = 3.7032 AngS = 11.25 Ltec = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ThickF = 1.94 ThickX = 6.35 ThickZ = 0.6 Ysup = 3.5 ThickS = .05 ThickS1 = .076 ThSLU = .3 ThStr = .1 ThWin = .0050 ThWS = .076 XWS = 2.54 SST = 25.4 ZszO = 310.9453, 318.6553, 326.3653, 334.0753, 341.7853, 349.4953 trdupgrade = 1 $end $tof_par TOFL_rpos = 503.00, TFPN_dimen = 7.87, 98.5, 24.42464, TFPN_panel0 = -503.45, -96.20, -195.743, -503.53, -96.21, -147.483, -502.98, 96.26, -195.471, TFPN_panel1 = -503.53, -96.21, -146.380, -503.62, -96.22, -98.112, -503.00, 96.25, -146.141, TFPN_panel2 = -503.62, -96.22, -97.012, -503.70, -96.23, -48.752, -503.02, 96.24, -97.091, TFPN_panel3 = -503.70, -96.23, -48.112, -503.79, -96.24, -0.148, -503.04, 96.23, -48.201, TFPN_panel4 = -503.53, -96.58, 1.675, -503.50, -96.57, 49.935, -502.96, 95.88, 2.278, TFPN_panel5 = -503.50, -96.56, 51.365, -503.48, -96.56, 99.625, -502.96, 95.90, 51.328, TFPN_panel6 = -503.48, -96.56, 100.265, -503.45, -96.56, 148.525, -502.97, 95.90, 100.228, TFPN_panel7 = -503.45, -96.56, 149.441, -503.42, -96.55, 197.701, -502.98, 95.90, 149.630, TFPN_panel8 = -428.43, -281.40, -47.955, -428.44, -281.39, -0.305, -502.46, -103.79, -47.632, TFPN_panel9 = -428.16, -281.34, 2.365, -428.03, -281.28, 50.625, -502.34, -103.75, 1.995, TFPN_nslat = 96 , npnl_sector0 = 2 , npnl_sector1 = 8 , npnl_sector2 = 0 , color_tof = 4 , med_tof = 710 , $end $emc_par emc_opt = 3, emc_walls = 8, emc_debug = 1, rpos_emc = 507.7, rpos_emc_add_pbgl = 20.0, emc_deltar_west = 0.0, emc_deltaz_west = 0.0, emc_deltar_east = 0.0, emc_deltaz_east = 0.0, emc_phi_sec1 = -22.152, emc_phi_sec2 = 0.2354, emc_phi_sec3 = 22.785, emc_phi_sec4 = 45.392, emc_phi_sec5 = 45.343, emc_phi_sec6 = 22.900, emc_phi_sec7 = 0.0, emc_phi_sec8 = -22.0, scint_emc_med = 881, fiber_emc_med = 882, pbgl_emc_med = 810, cell_size = 5.58, lead_emc_plates = 65, scint_emc_plates = 66, smskin_emc_thck = 0.05, skin_emc_thck = 0.012, paper_emc_thck = 0.012, fplate_emc_thck = 0.5, hut_emc_thck = 0.2, hut_emc_height = 6.5, bsteel_emc_thck = 0.1, scint_emc_thck = 0.4, lead_emc_thck = 0.15, cage_emc_thck = 1.0, clearance_emc_module = 0.03, clearance_emc_supermodule = 0.08, emc_westarm_deltay = 0.649, emc_westarm_deltaz = 0.816, emc_eastarm_deltay = 0.511, emc_eastarm_deltaz = 0.742, $end $mum_par mumtrflg = 5, mum_arms = 2, mum_stations = 3, mum_channels = 100, mum_color = 4, FEEFlag = 1, StationOneFrame = 20.684, 147.317, 17.017, 131.885, 0.635, 6.504, 3.810, 2.537, StationOnePanel = 20.380, 142.636, 19.991, 139.590, 1.402, 1.168, 0.005, 3.536, StationOneAnode = 18.406, 134.551, 0.644, 2.483, StationOneRead = 2.983, 110.429, 0.107, 81.425, 2.034, 142.635, 144.928, 3.535, StationOneRib = 0.635, 107.798, 79.430, 32.740, 1.499, 107.798, 60.453, StationOneGas = 15.579, 117.577, 15.354, 6.018, 29.070, 131.071, 2.397, 1.339, StationOneMount = 1.270, 2.540, 23.500, 152.300, 25.501, 135.328, 5.080, StationOneFee = 1.000, 22.500, 162.500, 32.500, 87.345, 7.938, 77.752, 22.300, 26.848, 13.401, StationOneAngles = 90., 22.5, 90., 112.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 112.5, 90., 202.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 202.5, 90., 292.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 292.5, 90., 22.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 22.5, 90., 112.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 112.5, 90., 202.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 202.5, 90., 292.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 292.5, 90., 22.5, 0.0, 0.0, StationOneOffsets = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.006, 0.0, 0.0, -0.014, 0.0, 0.0, 0.051, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000, StationTwoFFrame = 66.500, 265.949, 52.900, 239.205, 2.841, -9.174, -3.800, 68.000, 227.379, 53.950 199.899, 2.841, -9.174, -3.800, StationTwoBFrame = 275.379, 248.021, 236.473, 208.993, StationTwoFBar = 152.190, 154.092, 138.959, 141.181, StationTwoBBar = 162.164, 164.069, 143.959, 146.181, StationTwoAnode = 0.15875, 0.15875, StationTwoFoilThickness = 0.0025, StationTwoAlFoilThickness = 0.0050, StationTwoFRib = 0.500, 188.119, 135.435, 56.099, 0.500, 147.654, 118.051, 48.898, StationTwoBRib = 0.500, 196.513, 139.433, 57.755, 0.500, 156.748, 122.251, 50.638, StationTwoFGas = 53.522, 228.910, 9.827, 3.800, 9.636, 4.262, 54.992, 193.000, 9.827, 3.800, 9.636, 4.262, StationTwoBGas = 239.022, 201.999, StationTwoAngles = 90., 337.5, 90., 67.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 22.5, 90., 112.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 67.5, 90., 157.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 112.5, 90., 202.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 157.5, 90., 247.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 202.5, 90., 292.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 247.5, 90., 337.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 292.5, 90., 22.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 337.5, 90., 67.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 22.5, 90., 112.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 67.5, 90., 157.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 112.5, 90., 202.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 157.5, 90., 247.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 202.5, 90., 292.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 247.5, 90., 337.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 292.5, 90., 22.5, 0.0, 0.0, StationTwoOffsets = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.024, 0.0, 0.0, -0.070, 0.0, 0.0, 0.062, 0.0, 0.0, -0.095, 0.0, 0.0, 0.055, 0.0, 0.0, -0.113, StationThreeFrame = 98.472, 427.472, 94.502, 418.422, 0.635, 6.133, 2.540, 6.035, 2.500, 88.093, 321.093, 84.383, 311.183, 0.635, 6.133, 2.540, 6.035, 2.500, StationThreePanel = 96.487, 422.947, 2.165, 1.968, 0.005, 3.067, 1.270, 86.108, 316.568, 2.165, 1.968, 0.005, 3.067, 1.270, StationThreeAnode = 89.483, 412.283, 0.635, 11.106, 4.600, 75.848, 302.648, 0.635, 11.106, 4.600, StationThreeRib = 2.540, 327.255, 235.828, 97.683, 2.540, 228.355, 180.360, 74.709, StationThreeGas = 87.423, 405.430, 3.318, 0.000, 2.348, 2.348, 76.548, 298.049, 3.318, 0.000, 2.348, 2.348, StationThreeAngles = 90., 337.5, 90., 67.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 22.5, 90., 112.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 67.5, 90., 157.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 112.5, 90., 202.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 157.5, 90., 247.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 202.5, 90., 292.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 247.5, 90., 337.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 292.5, 90., 22.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 337.5, 90., 67.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 22.5, 90., 112.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 67.5, 90., 157.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 112.5, 90., 202.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 157.5, 90., 247.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 202.5, 90., 292.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 247.5, 90., 337.5, 0.0, 0.0, 90., 292.5, 90., 22.5, 0.0, 0.0, StationThreeOffsets = 0.0, 0.0, 0.841, 0.0, 0.0, 0.725, 0.0, 0.0, 0.344, 0.0, 0.0, 0.061, 0.0, 0.0, 0.04, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.406, 0.0, 0.0, 0.752, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0, -0.005, 0.0, 0.0, -0.011, 0.0, 0.0, -0.034, 0.0, 0.0, -0.029, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0, 0.03, PlanesPerStation = 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, StationNominalZpos = 186.65, 352.24, 364.92, 613.84, 186.561, 299.28, 311.596, 463.133, ArmMedium = 19, StationMedium = 70, FrameMedium = 802, 26, 802, 802, 26, 802, SpokeMedium = 802, HoneyMedium = 452, $end $mun_par muid_flg = 1, nr_muon_arms = 2, nr_muid_planes = 6, ndet_per_pl = 1, mu_floor_flg = 1, muid_shield = 1, muid_zmin = 695.7, muid_zmax = 902.75, muid_ang = 37.0, beam_height = 523.2, mu_top_height = 1066.8, mu_floor_height = 8.0, mu_strp_thick = 0.05, mu_gas_thick = 10.0, mu_plas_thick = 0.15, mu_yoke_thick = 15.0,10.0, mu_donut_thick = 10.0,0.0,5.0,10.0, mu_floor_thick = 4.0, mu_abs_thick = 0.0,5.0,5.0,8*10.0, mu_hi_abs = 0.0,2.0,2.0,8*2.5, mu_hi_med = 11*41, mu_lo_med = 11*447, nmed_mu_ps = 802, nmed_mu_gas = 443, nmed_mu_cs = 449, nmed_mu_sh = 6, nmed_mu_sd = 6, nmed_mudn = 5, nmed_muhl = 6, nmed_mufl = 41, nmed_yoke = 5, mu_hi_color = 4, mu_lo_color = 5, color_muid = 3, color_hole = 6, color_dont = 2, color_floor = 6, color_strd = 4, color_yoke = 6, rykmin1 = 11.0,11.0, rykmin2 = 11.0,11.0, rmin_donut = 11.0,11.0, rmax1_donut = 116.4,0.,150.,88.404, rmax2_donut = 116.4,0.,160.,108.404, zyoke = 630.0,-480.0, zgap_yoke_abs = 50.0, zgap_labs_ldet = 0., muid_delx = 0., str_xstag = 0.2, muhl_shld_flag = 0, color_muhl_shld = 4, nmed_muhl_shld = 447, z_muhl_shld = -680.2,890.0, thick_muhl_shld = 5.0, muhl_config_flag = 2, muabs_config_flag= 2, mu_abs_x = 655.32, mu_abs_y = 529.60, mu_abs_z = 0.,711.15,753.05,791.75,837.25,882.75, npl_muhl = 2, rmin_muhl = 6*0.0, rmax_muhl = 82.3,82.3,4*0.0, z_muhl = 683.0,930.,4*0., mu_flag_cracks = 3, nmed_cracks = 6, crack_size = 2.54, num_cracks = 2, crack_shift = 10., crack_color = 4, $end $muw_par muw_wall_medium = 45, muw_wall_color = 4, muw_wall_x = -853.44,835.87717,4*-12.591415, muw_wall_y = 2*172.72,-584.20,947.42,2*190.5, muw_wall_z = 4*0.,-982.96,982.96, muw_wall_dx = 182.88,198.12,4*1498.81717, muw_wall_dy = 2*1635.76,121.92,86.36,2*1427.48, muw_wall_dz = 4*2072.64,2*106.74, muw_gas_thick = 1.0,1.0, muw_plas_thick = 0.15,0.15, muw_strp_thick = 0.05,0.05, muwid_ang = 0.6458,0.6458, muwid_delx = 0.,0., muw_top_height = 1111.0,1111.0, muw_floor_height = 10.0,10.0, muw_beam_height = 520.0, nmed_muw_sh = 6,6, nmed_muw_ps = 802,802, nmed_muw_cs = 449,449, nmed_muw_gas = 443,443, nmed_muw_sd = 6, nmed_muw_vol = 6, ndet_per_plw = 1, color_strdw = 4, str_xstagw = 0.2, muw_arms = 2, num_muw_stations = 2,2, num_muw_planes = 1,1, muw_x = 953.94,1003.94,4*0.,-963.94,-1013.94,4*0., muw_y = 0.,0.,4*0.,0.,0.,4*0., muw_x_iron = 976.44,-986.44, muw_dx_iron = 20.,20., nmed_muw_iron = 41, color_muw_iron = 4, $end $mag_par muo_arms = 2, npl_cent = 16, nmed_cent = 5, color_cent = 3, z_cent = 60.0, 89.12, 99.87, 99.88, 102.95, 120.00, 120.01, 129.66, 129.67, 132.20, 132.21, 135.00, 135.10, 165.00, 165.10, 242.00, rmin_cent = 6.00, 8.913, 9.988, 9.989, 10.296, 12.001, 90.434, 97.706, 97.713, 99.620, 99.627, 101.73, 101.81, 124.34, 153.15, 215.77, rmax_cent = 80.000, 160.00, 160.00, 190.00, 198.00, 198.00, 198.00, 198.00, 255.00, 255.00, 210.85, 210.85, 235.50, 235.50, 235.00, 235.00, npl_end = 15, 14, z_end=200., 201.1797, 204.5392, 209.567, 215.498, 243.,243.1,345.,345.1,382.,393.909,458.637,557.,557.1,630.0,10*0., 200., 201.9344, 207.4433, 215.6878, 225.413, 243.,243.1, 295.0,295.1,332.0,342.552, 417.0,417.1,480.0,11*.0, rmax_end=22.5, 28.4308, 33.4587, 36.8183, 37.998, 42.847,42.865,60.833,48.83,48.83,69.457,80.87,80.87,93.74, 93.74,10*0., 22.5, 32.2251, 40.4697, 45.97856, 47.913, 51.6639,51.6852,62.7217,53.717,53.717,71.994, 71.994,80.944,80.944,11*0., rmin_end=22.5,5*22.5, 19*11., 22.5,5*22.5,19*11.0, coil_irad1 = 80.87,71.994, coil_orad1 = 85.87,75.883, coil_irad2 = 93.74,80.944, coil_orad2 = 98.74,89.274, coil_z12 = 487.0,556.9,560.0,629.95,357.0,417.0,420.0,480.0, coil_med = 15, color_coil = 2, color_endc = 4, mega_irad1 =-150.711, -150.711, mega_orad1 = 160.711, 160.711, mega_irad2 = 474.965, 294.820, mega_orad2 = 484.965, 304.820, mega_z12 = 200.0, 630.0, 200.0, 480.0, mega_med = 5, pist_thet = 10.0, shad_thet = 37.0, mega_thick = 10.0, depth_notch = 13.4, coil_thick = 5.15, iflag_pcore = 1, zpist_core = 260.,625.,260.,475., pcore_rad = -11.0,30.00,11.0,80.0,-11.0,30.00,11.0,80.0, pcdelr = 14.0,30.0,14.0,30.0, nmed_pcore = 40, iflag_ccore = 1, npc_core = 4,7 zcent_core = 65.0, 95.0, 95.1, 115.1, 65.0, 89.1, 115., 115.1, 135.0, 135.1, 160., ccore_rmin = 11.5, 14.4, 14.5, 16.5, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 91.7, 106.7, 106.8, 124.5, ccore_rmax = 53.0, 53.0, 80.0, 80.0, 88.74,155.0,155.0,155.0, 155.0, 230.0, 230.0, nmed_ccore = 40, cyoke_flag = 2, cyoke_dz = 242.0, cyoke_dx = 79.9275, cyoke_dy = 50.0, cyoke_yp = 345.0, dyoke_dz = 53.5, dyoke_dy = 39.0, dyoke_dx = 79.9275, dyoke_yp = 256., dyoke_zp = 188.5, cencoil_med = 5,15, cencoil_color = 2,2, cencoil_z = 60.0, 90.0, 99.87, 129.66, cencoil_rin = 53.6, 160.0, cencoil_rout = 80.0, 190.0, pist2_thet = 168.0, fin_thick = 5.0, fin_z1 = 267.5,-276.78, fin_z2 = 327.5 -216.78, corn_ang = 39.18,140.82, buss_z = 568.5,-405.0, buss_thick = 3.0, buss_wide = 3.0, flag_par = 4.12,6.35,7.94, wtr_par = 20.,0.,1.,270.,450., rib_z1 = 200.,-200.,336.,-286., rib_z2 = 204.,-204.,340.,-290., flag_z = 576.5,-427.94, fin_flag=1, buss_flag=1, buss_buss_flag=1, wtr_flag=1, rib_flag=1, fin_med = 5, buss_med = 15, flag_med = 5, rib_med = 5, cutt_med = 19, wtr_med = 802, ret_ring_par=0.,360.,3,-3.75,159.2,159.3,-.65,159.2,174.2,3.75,159.2, 174.2, ret_ring_pos=0.,0.,95., ret_ring_rot=90.,0.,90.,90.,180.,90., retmed=5, $end $pbsh_par num_pbsh = 2, ipbshflg= 0, pbcurz1 = -165.00, pbcurt = -3.5,26.55,113.47,27.79,118.745, nmed_pbsh = 448, $end $ncone_par num_nc = 2, nconeflg= 1, nmed_nc = 17, nseg_nc = 13,13, zncone = 41.0, 42.994, 44., 45., 45., 46., 47., 48., 49., 50., 51., 52.33, 60., 87*0., -41.0, -42.994, -44., -45., -45. -46., -47., -48., -49., -50., -51., -52.33, -60., 87*0., rncmn = 4*7.62, 96*6.248, 4*7.62, 96*6.248, rncmx = 42.0, 47.1837, 49.133, 50.4022, 50.4022, 51.3415, 52.0612, 52.6139, 53.0293, 53.3248, 53.5112, 53.6, 53.6, 87*0., 42.0, 47.1837, 49.133, 50.4022, 50.4022, 51.3415, 52.0612, 52.6139, 53.0293, 53.3248, 53.5112, 53.6, 53.6, 87*0., thncref = 33.97, thetlsh = 38.0, zncref = -32.0, color_ncone = 5, linerflg= 0, nmed_liner = 18, thliner = 5.0, $end $plug_par num_plug = 2, iplugflg = 1, npl_plug = 5, nmed_plug = 15, color_plug = 2, npl_plug = 5, z_plug = 125.11, 140.109, 140.110, 156.060, 175.0, 125.11, 140.109, 140.110, 156.060, 175.0, rmin_plug = 12.49, 13.987, 15.497, 15.497, 17.47, 12.49, 13.987, 15.497, 15.497, 17.47, rmax_plug = -21.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 29.85, -25.58, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 36.19, plug_thet = 10.0, 12.5, imountflg = 1, num_mount = 2, npl_mount = 2, nmed_mount = 15, color_mount = 2, z_mount = 120.10, 125.10, 120.10, 125.10, rmin_mount = 12.02, 12.49, 12.02, 12.49, rmax_mount = 33.00, 33.00, 33.00, 33.00, iwrapflg = 1, nmed_wrap = 455, color_wrap = 4, wrap_thetmin = 5.7, 5.7, wrap_thetmax = 10.0, 12.0, wrap_dr = 1.0, 1.0, wrap_dz = 7.0, 7.0, $end $ntsh_par num_ntsh = 2, ntshflg = 0, shneuz1 = 120.1, shneut = -22.45,21.177,90.502,26.551,113.47, nmed_ntsh = 445, $end $fakv_par num_fakv = 2, ifak_flg = 0,0,0,0,0,0, nmed_fake= 446, zfake1 = -31.8, zfake2 = -172.00, zfake3 = 200.0, zfake4 = 172.20, zfake5 = 630.1, fak3_thick = 0.2, fak4_thick = 0.2, fakvol1 = -6.00,87.37,0.1, fakvol2 = -0.1,27.786,118.745,27.821,118.896, fakvol3 = -215.15,150.711,150.911,474.965,475.165, fakvol4 = -236.16,27.621,27.821,110.974,111.174, fakvol5 = -0.1,111.1,474.81,111.138,474.965, fakvol6 = 0.10,0.30,30.0, color_fake = 2, $end $bmhtr_par iflg_bmhtr = 1, nmed_bmhtr = 450, color_bmhtr= 4, rad_bmhtr = 6.86, thick_bmhtr= 0.5, zlen_bmhtr = 300., zpos_bmhtr = 200., $end $pip_par nmed_pipe = 33,5,447, zleng_pipe = 75.057,124.943,365., thick_pipe = 0.1016,0.12446,0.21, radius_pipe = 3.81,3.81,6.35, zpos_pipe = 0.00,75.057,200., nmed_vacu = 32, color_pipe = 4, $end $mun_collar_par nseg_collar = 2, nmed_collar = 46, color_collar = 2, z_collar = -670.0, -531.0, rmin_collar = 15.2, 15.2, rmax_collar = 45.2, 45.2, $end $rhic_mag iflag_lead_abs = 0, nmed_g10 = 24, nmed_cu = 15, nmed_dx = 1199, lead_abs_par = 12.0, 400., 1.0, lead_abs_pos = 0.0, 0.0, 3.75778e+03, nmed_lead_abs = 1198, $end $rlt_coord rltRPC1xcent=0.0, rltRPC1ycent=70.0, rltRPC1zcent=0.0, rltRPC2xcent=0.0, rltRPC2ycent=90.0, rltRPC2zcent=0.0, rltRPC3xcent=0.0, rltRPC3ycent=110.0, rltRPC3zcent=0.0, rltRPC1dx=5.0, rltRPC1dy=1.0, rltRPC1dz=40.0, rltRPC2dx=5.0, rltRPC2dy=1.0, rltRPC2dz=50.0, rltRPC3dx=5.0, rltRPC3dy=1.0, rltRPC3dz=60.0, $end