log into rcas

 this area used for FVTX offline
 source setup


 [ rm -R  simulation/pisa2000
   cvs checkout simulation/pisa2000 
 rm -R  offline/packages/fvtxgeom
 cvs co offline/packages/fvtxgeom
 rm -R  offline/packages/fvtxoo
 cvs co offline/packages/fvtxoo
 rm -R  offline/packages/mutoo_subsysreco
 cvs co offline/packages/mutoo_subsysreco
 rm -R  offline/packages/fvtx_subsysreco
 cvs co offline/packages/fvtx_subsysreco

in $BLD:
 [ $CVSLOCAL/simulation/pisa2000/autogen.sh --prefix=$INST
   make -j4 install
 $CVSLOCAL/offline/packages/fvtxgeom/autogen.sh --prefix=$INST
 make -j 4 install
 $CVSLOCAL/offline/packages/fvtxoo/autogen.sh --prefix=$INST
 make -j 4 install
 [ $CVSLOCAL/offline/packages/mutoo/autogen.sh --prefix=$INST
   make -j 4 install
 $CVSLOCAL/offline/packages/mutoo_subsysreco/autogen.sh --prefix=$INST
 make -j 4 install
 $CVSLOCAL/offline/packages/fvtx_subsysreco/autogen.sh --prefix=$INST
 make -j 4 install


in $WRK:
 Get Fun4-type macros. Copies can be found in /phenix/workarea/hbert/cvs1/wrk/


 input file: 
 pisa.root -> ../../cvs5/wrk/PISAEvent_auaucentral_1event.root

 root -l
 .x Fun4Muons_Pisa.C()
 (warnings and errors) 
 TFile**         mFvtxResponse.root
  TFile*         mFvtxResponse.root
   OBJ: TTree    FvtxHit_eval    FvtxHit_eval : 0 at: 0xacc751e8
 (make pictures)

 root -l mFvtxSlowSim.root is Hugo's pisa output eval ntuple 
 root -l mFvtxResponse.root is Hugo's pisa output eval ntuple

running Fun4Muons_Pisa.C() only does slowsim, and produces the MCHist object, but does no reconstruction. Output file dst_out.root, renamed dst_frompisa.root

Reconstruct with Fun4Muons_RecoDST_sim.C, 

 cvs co offline/framework/preco/macros/
copy Fun4Muons_RecoDST_sim.C

This chain of programs to make the event display worked:

program/macro input output renamed to softlinked to
PISA pisa.kumac: svx,mut,muid
cfmgmc.input: 5Gev mu north
phnx.par: type 4
PISAEvent.root PISAEvent_10ev_sngp_type4.root pisa.root
Fun4Muons_Pisa.C pisa.root dst_out.root dst_10ev_sngp_type4.root signal.root
Fun4Muons_RecoDST_sim.C signal.root dst_out.root dst_from_recodst_sim.root dst.root
Fun4Muons_Display.C dst.root - - -

Resulting in this picture:

To run the Kalman Filter chain:
program/macro input output renamed to softlinked to
PISA pisa.kumac: svx,mut,muid
cfmgmc.input: 5Gev mu north
phnx.par: type 4
PISAEvent.root PISAEvent_10ev_sngp_type4.root pisa.root
Fun4Muons_Pisa.C pisa.root dst_out.root dst_10ev_sngp_type4.root dst_pisa.root
Fun4Muons_RecoDST_sim_xrwang.C dst_pisa.root
fvtx_mc_eval.root - -