
These were made as follows: 
Condor batch command file (in ~hubert/condor/ ) condor_job_ccbar.txt calls
script job_nnn.csh, which run code in /phenix/data07/hubert/pythia2/batch/batch_nn/ where nn is the run sequence number
this in turn runs
   - pythia    pp_c.C Key parameters are: msel=4 (every event has a c,cbar 
hard process in it)
 mstj(22)=2.0   only decay prompts, if z<10mm (no pi, k decay)

   - convert ntuple to oscar with read_ntuple.C

   - run pisa with this pisa.kumac and this phnx.par

Analyze the ntuple chain with : pisa_to_ntuple.C, make plots with

runs 40,41,42,44,45,47,48,49 2M events each, 16M total