### fortran include path INCLUDES = \ -I$(includedir) \ -I$(top_srcdir)/inc \ -I$(OFFLINE_MAIN)/include \ -I$(CERN)/$(CERN_LEVEL)/include \ -I$(ROOTSYS)/include ### this forces the fortran compiler to understand #include pre-processing directives AM_FFLAGS = -x f77-cpp-input $(INCLUDES) bin_PROGRAMS = pisa pisa_SOURCES = forceCXXlink.C gint_pisa.f pisa_LDADD = \ libPISAphnxcore.la \ ../aer/libPISAaer.la \ ../bbc/libPISAbbc.la \ ../cdf/libPISAcdf.la \ ../crk/libPISAcrk.la \ ../emc/libPISAemc.la \ ../fcl/libPISAfcl.la \ ../hbd/libPISAhbd.la \ ../svx/libPISAsvx.la \ ../itr/libPISAdch.la \ ../mum/libPISAmut.la \ ../mun/libPISAmui.la \ ../pad/libPISApad.la \ ../root/libPISARoot.la \ ../tfw/libPISAtfw.la \ ../tof/libPISAtof.la \ ../trd/libPISAtec.la \ ../rxn/libPISArxn.la \ ../zdc/libPISAzdc.la \ ../muonTrg_pad/libPISAmuonTrg_pad.la \ ../rlt/libPISArlt.la \ ../ncc/libPISAncc.la \ ../mpc/libPISAmpc.la \ ../pdb_util/libPISApdbutil.la \ -L$(libdir) \ -L$(OFFLINE_MAIN)/lib \ -lPgCal \ @CERNLIBS@ \ @ROOTLIBS@ lib_LTLIBRARIES = libPISAphnxcore.la libPISAphnxcore_la_LIBADD = \ -L$(libdir) \ -L$(OFFLINE_MAIN)/lib \ -L$(ROOTSYS)/lib \ @CERNLIBS@ \ @FLIBS@ \ -L/opt/phenix/lib \ -lmfm_base \ -lPHPythia -lPythia6 -lEG -lEGPythia6 libPISAphnxcore_la_SOURCES = \ au_venus_evt.f \ beam_gas_evt.f \ beam_pipe.f \ beamhtr.f \ calc_derived_quantities.f \ carriage.f \ cernlib_log.f \ cfm_evgen.f \ cfm_sngp.f \ compress.c \ daldec1.F \ daldec2.F \ def_event_form.f \ dimuon.f \ dout_put_dst.f \ duo_gen_evt.f \ e_dst_chck.f \ e_get_dst.f \ e_kdef.f \ e_kdef_dst.f \ e_kdef_user.f \ e_put_dst.f \ e_user_act.f \ eg_read_code_bank.f \ eg_write_code_bank.f \ egzend.f \ egzin.f \ egzinit.f \ egzpar.f \ elec_rack.f \ electag.F \ t0init.f \ sngl_jpsi.f \ sngl_neutral.f \ sngl_phi.f \ absorber.f \ encodeRootEvntMpc.cc \ encodeRootEvntMuPC.cc \ encodeRootEvntRLT.cc \ encodeRootEvntNCC.cc \ encodeRootEvntAer.cc \ encodeRootEvntCrk.cc \ encodeRootEvntMui.cc \ encodeRootEvntDch.cc \ encodeRootEvntEmc.cc \ encodeRootEvntTfw.cc \ encodeRootEvntTof.cc \ encodeRootEvntMut.cc \ encodeRootEvntRxn.cc \ encodeRootEvntHbd.cc \ encodeRootEvntPad.cc \ encodeRootEvntBbc.cc \ encodeRootEvntZdc.cc \ encodeRootEvntSvx.cc \ encodeRootEvntFcl.cc \ encodeRootEvntTec.cc \ encodeRootEvntPri.cc \ encodeRootEvntCtr.cc \ encodeRootEvntKin.cc \ getOscarEvent.cc \ getPythiaEvent.cc \ euler.f \ event_filter.f \ event_hist.f \ f_ini_zeb.f \ fa_ini_zeb.f \ fa_put_dst.f \ fb_get_dst.f \ fb_ini_zeb.f \ fb_put_dst.f \ fz_put_dst.f \ fc_get_dst.f \ fc_ini_zeb.f \ fc_put_dst.f \ fd_get_dst.f \ fd_ini_zeb.f \ fd_put_dst.f \ fe_get_dst.f \ fe_ini_zeb.f \ feputdst.f \ ff_get_dst.f \ frlt_get_dst.f \ fncc_get_dst.f \ ff_ini_zeb.f \ ff_put_dst.f \ fg_ini_zeb.f \ fi_get_dst.f \ fi_ini_zeb.f \ fi_put_dst.f \ fh_ini_zeb.f \ fh_put_dst.f \ fk_ini_zeb.f \ fk_put_dst.f \ fm_get_dst.f \ fm_ini_zeb.f \ fm_put_dst.f \ fn_get_dst.f \ fn_ini_zeb.f \ fn_put_dst.f \ fmupc_get_dst.f \ fmupc_ini_zeb.f \ fmupc_put_dst.f \ frlt_ini_zeb.f \ frlt_put_dst.f \ fncc_ini_zeb.f \ fncc_put_dst.f \ fp_ini_zeb.f \ fp_put_dst.f \ fq_ini_zeb.f \ fq_put_dst.f \ fr_ini_zeb.f \ fr_put_dst.f \ fs_ini_zeb.f \ fs_put_dst.f \ ft_get_dst.f \ ft_ini_zeb.f \ ft_put_dst.f \ fv_get_dst.f \ fv_ini_zeb.f \ fv_put_dst.f \ fw_ini_zeb.f \ fw_put_dst.f \ fx_ini_zeb.f \ fx_put_dst.f \ fy_ini_zeb.f \ fy_put_dst.f \ fmpc_get_dst.f \ fmpc_ini_zeb.f \ fmpc_put_dst.f \ g_def_flag.f \ g_ini_paw.f \ g_ini_zeb.f \ g_kdef.f \ g_user.f \ gdecay.F \ gdecay2Polarized.F \ gdgirl.f \ gen_evt.f \ getpars.f \ getrhicrun.f \ gintri.f \ gkcont.f \ gkdraw.f \ gkdz.f \ gkfort.f \ gkfz.f \ gkgcon.f \ gkgeom.f \ gkphys.f \ gkrz.f \ gkscan.f \ gxdraw.f \ gxfca.f \ gxfort.f \ mc_ranphi.f \ gkhist.f \ gkpict.f \ glue.c \ gsngtr.f \ gsstak.f \ guaddparts.f \ gubook.f \ gudigi.f \ guevgen.f \ gufld.f \ gugeom.f \ guhadr.f \ guinit.f \ gukine.f \ gulast.f \ guloren.f \ guphad.f \ gurot.f \ gustep.F \ gutrak.f \ gutrev.f \ gxhist.f \ gxpict.f \ gxrz.f \ hall.f \ head_put_dst.f \ helium_bag.f \ hijet_evt.f \ hijing_evt.f \ hplfra.f \ igmenu.f \ init_vertexOffset.f \ iquest_chk.f \ isa_to_geant.f \ isq_grndm.f \ jset_to_geant.f \ kilcon.f \ lt4.f \ luciae_evt.f \ lund_to_geant.f \ magnet.f \ mat_mixt_med.f \ mc_cos.f \ mc_fire.f \ mc_fred.f \ mc_ranco.f \ mcdim.f \ mcfball.f \ mcmum.f \ mcrap.f \ muonArmForcedAccept.f \ muonArmStageOutput.f \ muonArmStackStage.F \ muidStageCheck.f \ neutdk.f \ newton.f \ nexusascii_evt.f \ nosecone.f \ oscarRootInput.f \ pdalitz.f \ pdalitz_eta.f \ phnx_par.f \ phnx_interface.cxx \ photon_converter.f \ photondk.f \ photonForcedConversion.F \ pisa_act.f \ pisaquit.f \ pkevnt.f \ pm_rhic_evt.f \ polar_to_rect.f \ polrpl.f \ prmater.f \ ptrig.f \ pythia_evt.f \ pythiaRootInput.f \ qed_ee_evt.f \ qed_gammln.f \ qed_gen_pair_evt.f \ qed_impact_param.f \ qed_invariant_mass.f \ qed_make_pair.f \ qed_my_poiss.f \ qed_pair_rapidity.f \ qnext.f \ read_run_bank_fritiof.f \ read_run_bank_hijet.f \ read_run_bank_hijing.f \ read_run_bank_luciae.f \ read_run_bank_rqmd.f \ read_run_bank_venus.f \ read_run_bank_vni.f \ rect_to_polar.f \ rhic_magnet_install.f \ rootPISA.cc \ rqmd_evt.f \ rqmdfile9_evt.f \ rv_chi.f \ rv_chi2.f \ rv_chi_func.f \ rv_jpsi.f \ rv_jpsi2.f \ rv_jpsi_func.f \ rv_phi.f \ rv_phi2.f \ rv_phi_func.f \ scaling.f \ serve.f \ setpolv2.f \ text_file.f \ transl.f \ trig_user.f \ trkstack.f \ trkxyz.f \ u_ctoh4.f \ u_kdef.f \ u_kdef_dst.f \ u_kdef_util.f \ u_put_ds.f \ ua1_evt.f \ ufpath.f \ uglast.f \ ugtrcut.f \ uvolattr.f \ venus_evt.f \ vertexOffset.cc \ virtdk.f \ vni_evt.f \ writdumm.f \ xy_rndm.f \ xysam.f \ xysam_eta.f \ zend.f \ ztelus.f \ pdgtran.f \ gtran.f \ setosf.c forceCXXlink.C: echo "//*** this is a generated file. Do not commit, do not edit" > $@ echo "//*** it is empty, because it only forces autoconf to use" > $@ echo "//*** the C++ linker instead of the FORTRAN linker which" > $@ echo "//*** craps out when used with insure" > $@