*  PISA kumac file for Run4 Central + Muon Arms (March 26, 2004 version)
*                  Aerogel control line default is ON for Run4
*                  Change default to Run4 3D++ map, use helium bag, East + West Arm Photon Shields
*                  Use -1.0 scale factor to convert 3D++ to 3D-- field (O.K. according to Achim Franz)
*                  NTC is absent for Run4
*                  MVD is different in Run4 from what it was in Run3, handled by phnx.par file
SETRHIC 4 1                    ! Run4 Au+Au at 62.4 GeV 
* Random number seeds (using internal GEANT seeds from 001 to 215)
*        keep the second input as 0 all the time, change only the first
RNDM 001 0
* Tracking thresholds
CUTS  .00001 .00001 .010 .010 .010 .001 .001 .00001 .00001 .010 4.e-7
* NOTE: As of December 1, 1999 the compressed ZEBRA output format is not used by default
*       The FOUT line will be used only if the SWIT(1) value is changed to 6 in gffgo.dat
FOUT 'pisafile.dat.cZ'          ! Name of output hits file
FPAR 'phnx.par'                 ! Name of namelist parameter file for geometry
STEE 'KINE' 'HITS' 'DIGI' 'JXYZ' ! Output data structure control
DOUT 'DIGI'                     ! Output data structure control
MAGF '3D++' 1.00 0001
DCAY  1                         ! GEANT command for decay on
ANNI  1                         ! GEANT command for annihilation on
BREM  1                         ! GEANT command for bremsstrahlung on
COMP  1                         ! GEANT command for Compton scattering on
LOSS  1                         ! GEANT command for Landau fluctuations on
DRAY  1                         ! GEANT command for Delta no ray (Landau is on)
HADR  4                         ! GEANT command for hadrons using FLUKA
MULS  1                         ! GEANT command for multiple scattering on
PAIR  1                         ! GEANT command for pair production on
PHOT  1                         ! GEANT command for photoelectric effect on
MUNU  0                         ! GEANT recommendation when HADR 4 is used
*	To install a detector turn the switch 'ON'
ZDC  'OFF' 'FULL' 'ETOT' 'FULL' 'ZCAL' 'FRG1' 'HB00' 37.89
SVX  'ON' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'ELEM' 'NEUT'    ! This is the Silicon Vertex Tracker (upgrade)
FCL  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'ELEM'          ! This is the FCL (forward calorimeter)
VER  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'VCAL' 'STCK'   ! MVD on with track stack used
BBC  'OFF' 'FULL' 'ETOT' 'FULL' 'BCAL' 'STCK'   ! BBC on with track stack used
NTC  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'ELEM'          ! This is the NTC
TZR  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'ELEM'          ! This is the TZR
ITR  'OFF' 'IT96' 'ETOT' 'FULL' 'TRKS'          ! Latest version of Dch and PC1
CRK  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_PZ' 'FULL' 'CCAL' 'CO2 '   ! RICH with CO2 radiator gas
PAD  'OFF' 'PC98' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'PCAL'          ! Latest version of PC2/PC3
AER  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'ELEM'          ! This is the AER (aerogel counter)
TRD  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'TCAL'          ! This is the TEC
TOF  'OFF'  'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'FCAL' 0.0 0.0 ! Time of Flight
EMC  'OFF' 'FULL' 'FULL' 'FULL' 'ECAL' 'AUAU' 'CTRK'  ! EMCal, H.I. with Cerenkov
MUM  'OFF'  'FULL' 'ETOT' 'FULL' 'MCAL' 0. 0. 0. 'STCK' 'NNEU'  ! Muon trackers
MUI  'OFF'  'FULL' 'ETOT' 'FULL' 'NCAL' 0. 0. 0. 'STCK' 'NNEU'  ! Muon identifier
MUPC 'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'PCAL'          ! Pad chamber for Muon Trigger
RLT  'OFF' 'FULL' 'P_ID' 'FULL' 'PCAL'          ! Relative Luminosity Telescope